Every generation is different from the last. Personally i wouldn't have it any other way, people need to express themselves and learn their own ways. But, I do believe some teenagers who are coming to understand the bigger picture may believe they have inherited a broken world.
Now this can sometimes be because the parents don't care. Other times its because the parents want to wait until a certain point before they tell you or show you some things. But teenagers are curious, they - or we rather - are going out into the big wide world and unearthing, so to speak the remnants of the world you [adults] left behind. Almost as if you didn't want us to find out.
Of course this may sound like I'm blaming or even using you as a scapegoat. But the number of times I've heard "You've never seen it!" "I'm sure we showed you that one" or anything else that translates as absolute shock from the parents, it seems to me like something else is going on.
To many parents their child is all that matters.To others they couldn't be less bothered. Harsh but true, cynical; but I'm talking straight. Too many parents have let emotions rule their lives. Forever stuck looking at the problems, rather than looking at The Answer. For those who can or want to understand, the Truth is in a couple of my blogs, somewhere. Just look and open your eyes.
Original thoughts and opinions from nonohino. Some revised others just as they come. Enjoy and view a different angle on life. Lets grow together as one people and see the future through into a new and grand horizon. Jesus Is Lord!
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
A strange direction or just life?
What strange paths the journey of life takes us on. Yet we say strange in that context rather freely, as if we have had some pre-birth experience of life with which to compare our present life. Is any situation in life strange? Or are we to just expect or in fact, hope for everything that comes our way?
People, humanity has existed for a long time, and in that time it is safe to say that people have gone through all sorts of trouble. But none of them are inconceivable, as even now writers are coming up with some almost impossible stories, which capture the people’s imagination because of their likelihood.
So what can we say about the paths of life? These “strange” directions that our lives can follow? I would say this; there must be a finite number of paths, they may be as numerable as the stars, but I recon at least one human has traversed each path. Not saying that one man has travelled them all, but that in fact each path has had one traveller upon it.
And thus there will always be someone who has experienced what you have. Meaning that advice is always out there in one form or another, and people who care will try to help. How "strange" life is! Or just maybe, what an adventure today is!
Also it is important to realise that the world doesn't revolve around you. If you feel life is unfair and these "strange" twists are taking you into worse and worse situations. Perhaps your the one getting in the way. Maybe these directions are trying to show you the way forward while you're too busy concentrating on your job or looking behind you. Just follow them. But be careful not to follow all of them. Some will try to lead you off into worse places, it takes understanding, selflessness and faith to pick the right strange twists.
People, humanity has existed for a long time, and in that time it is safe to say that people have gone through all sorts of trouble. But none of them are inconceivable, as even now writers are coming up with some almost impossible stories, which capture the people’s imagination because of their likelihood.
So what can we say about the paths of life? These “strange” directions that our lives can follow? I would say this; there must be a finite number of paths, they may be as numerable as the stars, but I recon at least one human has traversed each path. Not saying that one man has travelled them all, but that in fact each path has had one traveller upon it.
And thus there will always be someone who has experienced what you have. Meaning that advice is always out there in one form or another, and people who care will try to help. How "strange" life is! Or just maybe, what an adventure today is!
Also it is important to realise that the world doesn't revolve around you. If you feel life is unfair and these "strange" twists are taking you into worse and worse situations. Perhaps your the one getting in the way. Maybe these directions are trying to show you the way forward while you're too busy concentrating on your job or looking behind you. Just follow them. But be careful not to follow all of them. Some will try to lead you off into worse places, it takes understanding, selflessness and faith to pick the right strange twists.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Good day my fellows. Yes it has been a while since my last post, but i have no believable reason for that. Anyway, its December and it's almost that wonderful time of the year again...Yes Christmas. A time of family and holidays and presents and snow. But lets not forget while we are having our merry way. It is also a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Now of course he wasn't born exactly on Christmas day, but the important thing is that we remember and thank God for providing our freedom and salvation in him. God loves us all so much, and this time of year is when we can really show him our love and provide some charity to people we meet. Have a great Christmas and mind the snow.
Shall we have a laugh at some unusual codes of the British Highway?
The one that is circled. And your not allowed to remove the snow from your vehical in the street, as it is your snow, and must be deposited somewhere safe. e.g. your garden. How daft!
And it's a Merry Christmas from me, and a Merry Christmas from him. Merry Christmas!
Shall we have a laugh at some unusual codes of the British Highway?
The one that is circled. And your not allowed to remove the snow from your vehical in the street, as it is your snow, and must be deposited somewhere safe. e.g. your garden. How daft!
And it's a Merry Christmas from me, and a Merry Christmas from him. Merry Christmas!
Monday, 13 December 2010
Sidestepping the Point?
Can a man become a better man? Yes if he accepts himself completely. if he understands every defect in himself and how to make it better, like a mechanic knows which part of your car engine need a bit of repair. But how do we come to see these defects?
Like all things on this Earth it takes time (i may talk about why this is later on). Time to understand one's own abilities and areas of expertise. But you cannot simply look at your life from this independent place and vow to change this bit first then that bit next. If you do that you will most certainly ignore or even forget your better qualities or areas where you need work. As you are so set on 'being more patient' or 'being more charitable' you will forget 'offensive words that slip out' or 'showing that one person more love' because (and I knew it sounds unusual) you are being selfish.
You are spending all this time and effort trying to make yourself a better person when actually the people in your life need some of that time and effort too. So what can you do? Accept your bad points. Know your good points. Try to develop all your points together, not individually. While balancing all these delicate things inside you, see what your friends need and try to do bits for them. Understand what makes you angry/upset/not 100% and stop. Do things that make you feel good, that bring understanding to your life. Smile.
See becoming a better person is not something you should learn how to do. It is something you should always understand how to do, but also something that should happen naturally. And if you find yourself struggling to change, then your looking in the wrong direction.
Like all things on this Earth it takes time (i may talk about why this is later on). Time to understand one's own abilities and areas of expertise. But you cannot simply look at your life from this independent place and vow to change this bit first then that bit next. If you do that you will most certainly ignore or even forget your better qualities or areas where you need work. As you are so set on 'being more patient' or 'being more charitable' you will forget 'offensive words that slip out' or 'showing that one person more love' because (and I knew it sounds unusual) you are being selfish.
You are spending all this time and effort trying to make yourself a better person when actually the people in your life need some of that time and effort too. So what can you do? Accept your bad points. Know your good points. Try to develop all your points together, not individually. While balancing all these delicate things inside you, see what your friends need and try to do bits for them. Understand what makes you angry/upset/not 100% and stop. Do things that make you feel good, that bring understanding to your life. Smile.
See becoming a better person is not something you should learn how to do. It is something you should always understand how to do, but also something that should happen naturally. And if you find yourself struggling to change, then your looking in the wrong direction.
Back to a 'Well Worn' Topic
Ah, well it looks like the Governments been getting every one's back up over this last month. Lets see; if your working, there is a chance you'll loose you job, or at the very least get a pay cut, if your unemployed, your benefits are being cut, and if your trying to further your own understanding (education), university prices are on the rise! So we're all having a jolly good time here in England. What with the conservatives believing anyone poorer than them is a second class citizen, and that they should always protect the rich and crush the poor.
Here's a question for anyone trying to get into England; whats the attraction? Seriously there is practically nothing here worth living for. You'd think it would be abandoned by now, under the fault of "Poor Governing"!
So what can we do? Politicians (also known as liars, thieves and murders) hold all the power. Protesting makes them a mite uncomfortable, but it shows them our numbers and power. Murder is just dirty play, (but if it works...), but you end up in jail. Standing up for the truth, usually means they can mark you and stop you getting a job. And even becoming their sort is bad because, even if you start for the right reasons their way slowly grows on you and one day you find yourself doing the same.
Now I understand that there is no easy way out, but we've had a government now for a good few hundred years, and they've never got it right yet! You would think all those years of experience to look back on they would learn something, but no! And in any normal situation if something dosent work, we get rid of it! Or at least try to make it work better, but we have seen no development in them. There has been no progress, so why exactly are they still sitting on their golden thrones?
Here's a question for anyone trying to get into England; whats the attraction? Seriously there is practically nothing here worth living for. You'd think it would be abandoned by now, under the fault of "Poor Governing"!
So what can we do? Politicians (also known as liars, thieves and murders) hold all the power. Protesting makes them a mite uncomfortable, but it shows them our numbers and power. Murder is just dirty play, (but if it works...), but you end up in jail. Standing up for the truth, usually means they can mark you and stop you getting a job. And even becoming their sort is bad because, even if you start for the right reasons their way slowly grows on you and one day you find yourself doing the same.
Now I understand that there is no easy way out, but we've had a government now for a good few hundred years, and they've never got it right yet! You would think all those years of experience to look back on they would learn something, but no! And in any normal situation if something dosent work, we get rid of it! Or at least try to make it work better, but we have seen no development in them. There has been no progress, so why exactly are they still sitting on their golden thrones?
liberal democrats,
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Observe or Live? And Where God Comes In
A follow-up question then - Do you think it better to observe life, or to live it? In essence, is it better to be an observer on the periphery, or a participant with a purely subjective viewpoint of life? And which of these criteria does God fill (or does He come into a third category? (which I'd hope He does))?
I am sure the only way I can answer that, is to be completely sure of my answer, and here i want you to be completely sure of my response.
If I was brought before the Lord and given that question I would always choose to live life. I would never want to as you put it "be an observer on the periphery". Anyone who does I must say you are sadly deluded. yes it may seem interesting at first, but it gets lonely real quickly being on your own, watching others in friendship and love. And if I don't have friendships then I don't have love, because it requires two participants for love to exist.
I must clear up an issue here though "a purely subjective viewpoint" sounds to me as if you are only looking at one part of life. But the very meaning of living cannot be grouped into one class, one area, as it is all-encompassing. Imagine a diamond. In it's rough form it has a certain attractive quality, but once the jeweller has worked his skill on it, it is beautiful. Each facet, each side are all part of the diamond, but when they are alone they do not emphasise the diamond as much as when they are united. In the same way life cannot have one subjective viewpoint. It can however be the development of one soul in three areas: life, love and eternity.
Only when these three develop together can we begin to really understand and enjoy life.
Some people say "there is a wasted mind", when they see someone going against the law or not achieving their potential. True, but to me a wasted mind is also someone who spends their entire life seeking knowledge, or fitness or spiritual enlightenment, but never seeks friendship or love. That is a wasted life, sure intelligence is great, but physical experiences and memories of great times are surely just as good.
Forgive me if I seemed to drift off topic, but here is the clinch and the answer to your question.
God created man, just as men can create statues. Jesus was begotten by God not created, just as children are begotten of men. Follow this through and we can see that while a statue is a very good representation of a man, it can never be a man. Thus as humanity is created in God's image (like the statue) it can never be God because it was made without something and with an expiry date (i may elaborate on this point later, but it is off topic here). God isn't. God exists in eternity, we don't; so God is able to look beyond time and situations because that's where he is. he is also not restricted by emotions or paths of thought, since he knows all things and thus is able to create them.
If you imagine a line on a paper to represent your life, God is the paper. He is all around but he is also what your life in written on, so not only does he observe from the periphery, but he is also deeply involved in the moments of life. This is because God is within all of us. He inhabits our bodies, like our souls do, but completely surrounding. So although God is able to view from the periphery, he is also intrinsically involved in our day to day lives, because a part of him is part of us. i can only help thinking that this sounds degrading to the infinity of God, but it is the best explanation i can convey.
And so the third category is created. Where God sees all of time, and where he understands every decision he makes and the effects, and the only reason he chooses to do them is because of his Love for us. He has seen every moment of your life and he ha heard every prayer. He has blessed us where he sees fit and has advised us where he knows best. Every deal he has entered he knows the outcome, and the only thing he seeks to gain is our love our praise, and that we can know him more.
The rest he leaves to us. That is why we have freewill, choice. So we can see God's Love and come to understand that what he gave is beyond our repayment. But he only wants our love in return, because he Loves us. This seems logical to me on the basis, if you spend time making something, you put effort into it, you put love into it, you come to cherish it. It becomes special. Like that table you made, or that picture you painted. It will always be special to you no matter what people think, because to you it is more than a table or a picture, it represents a success in your life, or it captures a feeling that you feel every time you look at it. We are the same to God. And that is why he is able to give everything for us to live in eternity with him. Because he loves us, and is delighted every time we choose to stand up and fight "the good fight". Because he believes in us, just as we believe in him.
I hope this answers your question at least in part. And i hope you can see where i am coming from in each part. I would delight in further questions, whenever you feel you need ask.
I am sure the only way I can answer that, is to be completely sure of my answer, and here i want you to be completely sure of my response.
If I was brought before the Lord and given that question I would always choose to live life. I would never want to as you put it "be an observer on the periphery". Anyone who does I must say you are sadly deluded. yes it may seem interesting at first, but it gets lonely real quickly being on your own, watching others in friendship and love. And if I don't have friendships then I don't have love, because it requires two participants for love to exist.
I must clear up an issue here though "a purely subjective viewpoint" sounds to me as if you are only looking at one part of life. But the very meaning of living cannot be grouped into one class, one area, as it is all-encompassing. Imagine a diamond. In it's rough form it has a certain attractive quality, but once the jeweller has worked his skill on it, it is beautiful. Each facet, each side are all part of the diamond, but when they are alone they do not emphasise the diamond as much as when they are united. In the same way life cannot have one subjective viewpoint. It can however be the development of one soul in three areas: life, love and eternity.
Only when these three develop together can we begin to really understand and enjoy life.
Some people say "there is a wasted mind", when they see someone going against the law or not achieving their potential. True, but to me a wasted mind is also someone who spends their entire life seeking knowledge, or fitness or spiritual enlightenment, but never seeks friendship or love. That is a wasted life, sure intelligence is great, but physical experiences and memories of great times are surely just as good.
Forgive me if I seemed to drift off topic, but here is the clinch and the answer to your question.
God created man, just as men can create statues. Jesus was begotten by God not created, just as children are begotten of men. Follow this through and we can see that while a statue is a very good representation of a man, it can never be a man. Thus as humanity is created in God's image (like the statue) it can never be God because it was made without something and with an expiry date (i may elaborate on this point later, but it is off topic here). God isn't. God exists in eternity, we don't; so God is able to look beyond time and situations because that's where he is. he is also not restricted by emotions or paths of thought, since he knows all things and thus is able to create them.
If you imagine a line on a paper to represent your life, God is the paper. He is all around but he is also what your life in written on, so not only does he observe from the periphery, but he is also deeply involved in the moments of life. This is because God is within all of us. He inhabits our bodies, like our souls do, but completely surrounding. So although God is able to view from the periphery, he is also intrinsically involved in our day to day lives, because a part of him is part of us. i can only help thinking that this sounds degrading to the infinity of God, but it is the best explanation i can convey.
And so the third category is created. Where God sees all of time, and where he understands every decision he makes and the effects, and the only reason he chooses to do them is because of his Love for us. He has seen every moment of your life and he ha heard every prayer. He has blessed us where he sees fit and has advised us where he knows best. Every deal he has entered he knows the outcome, and the only thing he seeks to gain is our love our praise, and that we can know him more.
The rest he leaves to us. That is why we have freewill, choice. So we can see God's Love and come to understand that what he gave is beyond our repayment. But he only wants our love in return, because he Loves us. This seems logical to me on the basis, if you spend time making something, you put effort into it, you put love into it, you come to cherish it. It becomes special. Like that table you made, or that picture you painted. It will always be special to you no matter what people think, because to you it is more than a table or a picture, it represents a success in your life, or it captures a feeling that you feel every time you look at it. We are the same to God. And that is why he is able to give everything for us to live in eternity with him. Because he loves us, and is delighted every time we choose to stand up and fight "the good fight". Because he believes in us, just as we believe in him.
I hope this answers your question at least in part. And i hope you can see where i am coming from in each part. I would delight in further questions, whenever you feel you need ask.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Planetary Support
Planet Earth, a truly remarkable place. I recall once being told a story about how, if we found a small sphere hovering in a field covered in water, grass, chasms, mountains and life. We would want to study it, want to understand it and want to above all, protect it.
But we didn't find planet Earth. We were born onto it, we have always been in touch with it and that is why some don't feel the need to protect the planet. It is fair to say that we have destroyed parts of the planet. We are making it worthless and treating it very badly. The planet can defend itself, and it may just do the same to us.
The population of the planet is huge, it is a perfect example of exponential growth. But the planet isn't infinite. It has an 'edge' so to speak, it has a limit to the number of people it can hold. And as we continue to destroy the forests, fish the oceans bare, pollute the atmosphere, for the benefit of the masses. So too do we slowly drive in the stake that will secure our own destruction.
Now i understand this may be a very sensitive topic, but if the population doesn't cease to grow, we will all suffer. There will be famine, there will be war, there will be enforced discrimination. That is a path I think none of us want to travel. But now what can i say without it sounding like I'm trying to oppress people? Simply this:
If you have a family living in a house, your main concern(as the head) is for the family. Then for the state of the house. We can apply this logic to Earth. Let us strive for equality, but let us also strive for the future of our planet. Do people really need all these 'gadgets' that 'make life easier'? I don't think so.
Let us try to establish a base line on which every country is the same; standard of living, power, food...and so on. But after that let the money that would be "wasted" on personal satisfaction, be given as charity to the planet. Let us protect that which protects us. It's good sense really.
But heck, from Plato to Jesus, the world has had plenty of good sense. What makes you think we'll start listening now?
But we didn't find planet Earth. We were born onto it, we have always been in touch with it and that is why some don't feel the need to protect the planet. It is fair to say that we have destroyed parts of the planet. We are making it worthless and treating it very badly. The planet can defend itself, and it may just do the same to us.
The population of the planet is huge, it is a perfect example of exponential growth. But the planet isn't infinite. It has an 'edge' so to speak, it has a limit to the number of people it can hold. And as we continue to destroy the forests, fish the oceans bare, pollute the atmosphere, for the benefit of the masses. So too do we slowly drive in the stake that will secure our own destruction.
Now i understand this may be a very sensitive topic, but if the population doesn't cease to grow, we will all suffer. There will be famine, there will be war, there will be enforced discrimination. That is a path I think none of us want to travel. But now what can i say without it sounding like I'm trying to oppress people? Simply this:
If you have a family living in a house, your main concern(as the head) is for the family. Then for the state of the house. We can apply this logic to Earth. Let us strive for equality, but let us also strive for the future of our planet. Do people really need all these 'gadgets' that 'make life easier'? I don't think so.
Let us try to establish a base line on which every country is the same; standard of living, power, food...and so on. But after that let the money that would be "wasted" on personal satisfaction, be given as charity to the planet. Let us protect that which protects us. It's good sense really.
But heck, from Plato to Jesus, the world has had plenty of good sense. What makes you think we'll start listening now?
Friday, 19 November 2010
A Question
"Would you ever want to just observe life?"
Great question, thank you anonymous e-mailer! A long, long time ago I would have said yes. But perhaps not anymore. And perhaps not in the sense you mean. I would love to be an invisible observer of life. Let me set this straight, i would not be invisible as in not being able to be seen. But as to spend many decades walking the Earth observing people. I would grow old very slowly and my life would be the study, observation and thus learning of humans. Of course this would involve me not having many friendships or relations, i would in fact become a 'lone-wolf' type of person and now i could not do that. I enjoy may friendships and life without would loose, at least in part, some meaning.
To step outside of time like the Big Man(God) can and indeed does is amazing. So perhaps for one day i would love to see life unfolding across the globe, and that people are in fact more compassionate than we realise.
Great question, thank you anonymous e-mailer! A long, long time ago I would have said yes. But perhaps not anymore. And perhaps not in the sense you mean. I would love to be an invisible observer of life. Let me set this straight, i would not be invisible as in not being able to be seen. But as to spend many decades walking the Earth observing people. I would grow old very slowly and my life would be the study, observation and thus learning of humans. Of course this would involve me not having many friendships or relations, i would in fact become a 'lone-wolf' type of person and now i could not do that. I enjoy may friendships and life without would loose, at least in part, some meaning.
To step outside of time like the Big Man(God) can and indeed does is amazing. So perhaps for one day i would love to see life unfolding across the globe, and that people are in fact more compassionate than we realise.
Friday, 12 November 2010
Relational Advancement
You know if you want to get to know someone, texting, instant messaging and even video calling is good, but you never get the whole story. If you want to know someone really closely, you have to spend time with them. So you can see how they react, but also so they understand how you react in certain situations it's a two way thing.
The best thing i can recommend if you are feeling down is to be with people who can understand how you are feeling, but also engage with you on a level that you are comfortable with. Yes it's good to spend time alone, but too much of that and your thoughts will wander into areas you may not really understand.
Being with people can help keep you in check, even if your mood is bad. You just let them know how your feeling and try to be civil and responsive. So maybe civil isn't a word you've heard for a few years, but i believe it's still relevant in today's society. In once definition it means to keep to the normals of polite social relations. Not necessarily sincere but at least responsive.
Back to the main point. relationships are pivotal in our day to day lives. They help us grow in so many ways and understand so many things. Without them we become estranged and lost. But don't let things drift about in friendship. You must let them know you are friends and your life actions must back up that statement. I'm not talking about entering a dating relationship, but rather showing all your friends that they do actually mean more to you than just someone to talk to. So spend time with them, talk about life and the future and help them as best you can. Otherwise, you will be a bored, disillusioned old man/woman for the rest of your life.
The best thing i can recommend if you are feeling down is to be with people who can understand how you are feeling, but also engage with you on a level that you are comfortable with. Yes it's good to spend time alone, but too much of that and your thoughts will wander into areas you may not really understand.
Being with people can help keep you in check, even if your mood is bad. You just let them know how your feeling and try to be civil and responsive. So maybe civil isn't a word you've heard for a few years, but i believe it's still relevant in today's society. In once definition it means to keep to the normals of polite social relations. Not necessarily sincere but at least responsive.
Back to the main point. relationships are pivotal in our day to day lives. They help us grow in so many ways and understand so many things. Without them we become estranged and lost. But don't let things drift about in friendship. You must let them know you are friends and your life actions must back up that statement. I'm not talking about entering a dating relationship, but rather showing all your friends that they do actually mean more to you than just someone to talk to. So spend time with them, talk about life and the future and help them as best you can. Otherwise, you will be a bored, disillusioned old man/woman for the rest of your life.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Where life takes us
You know what? I'm starting to see the truth. If your life is full of problems and illness and sorrow, then you are not being the best you can be, because someone is getting you down. The devil wants you to suffer, for when you suffer your focus slips away from God. You forget the truth and become self centered, instead of a person involved with others in a serving role. God has your whole life in his hands. Jesus died so our sins, the things we do wrong in life, are gone. They have lost their grip on our lives and we can live in a freedom that was never before experienced. God is almighty, but is also our closest friend if you let him. He wants a deep and personal relationship with you and he wants you to know the Truth.
Your life has a purpose and a plan, that is not only personal to you but it is complete. God knows every aspect of our lives and blesses us so that we can live the best life possible.
So, if you want to see and end to illness and problems in your life, simply ask God into your heart by asking him in your mind. Then say out loud, you problems, you illness in my life be removed in the name of God and never return. And if you have faith, patience, prayer and love your life will be turned around. But being in a relationship with God, also means a relationship with people, so go to a church and get to know them. God wants you to know him. If you have any questions i would recommend going to your local church and talking to people there.
And ask! A person who seeks will find an answer. So don't be afraid to question people, even if it sounds totally impossible or wrong.
Your life has a purpose and a plan, that is not only personal to you but it is complete. God knows every aspect of our lives and blesses us so that we can live the best life possible.
So, if you want to see and end to illness and problems in your life, simply ask God into your heart by asking him in your mind. Then say out loud, you problems, you illness in my life be removed in the name of God and never return. And if you have faith, patience, prayer and love your life will be turned around. But being in a relationship with God, also means a relationship with people, so go to a church and get to know them. God wants you to know him. If you have any questions i would recommend going to your local church and talking to people there.
And ask! A person who seeks will find an answer. So don't be afraid to question people, even if it sounds totally impossible or wrong.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Love, Emotions and Life
Why does life never go the way we want it to? In my life that is one of the most relevant questions i have ever heard. Sometimes i feel like complete rubbish because i feel there is no one there.
A feeling of deep sadness or loss sometimes engulfs me. I wonder at life and try to show people how i feel, who i really am; but selfish emotions lead nowhere. So what can we do?
a few hard ideas here. Stop thinking about yourself, damn, if it was just that easy. But really if you spend more time helping others your own wants will die away. Remember in life it's not what we want that matters its what we need.
Remember that there will always be people who love you. You can talk to people you trust if you go about in the right attitude, don't be self centered just explain it as a life consuming problem.
Try to do things that engage your time well and make you feel good inside and out. Its a cliche answer but helping others works. Also you could try changing the world/or just your lifestyle.
Now, lets get to a more direct issue. Is there a someone who makes you feel joyous one day and hopeless the next? Emotions are a two-edged sword; used with skill it can be precise, used without it can be lethal. I won't give you people any advice i wouldn't try myself, but get to know them. Get to know the person you like (or think you like). I know it sounds strange but it will save a lot of time later on. Most times you just like them for their looks, but personality is just as important. You may find out their going in a completely different direction to you and on that you don't want to ruin a good friendship.
Spend time with them, if they want to. Don't create any uncomfortable moments that you both may regret. Show them that you care about them. A lot of people don't make the effort, but it's worth it, after all they're going to want to talk to someone who wants to know.
A good strong relationship takes time. A lifelong marriage was never built overnight so move forward together at a rate you are both comfortable with. And talk about it. Talk about where your relationship is going. Talk about how you are feeling, help each other and understand one another. Conversation can build so many bridges and open so many doors and create so many more cheesy metaphors, talk and share your love show your feelings, support each other and there is one more thing.
God. Creator of all, friend to all. Father and provider. If you put God at the center of all you do you cannot go wrong. Let God help and guide you in daily life and ask him about the major decisions in your life. God wants to know how you are doing and how he can help.
God wants to know you so listen to THIS.
A feeling of deep sadness or loss sometimes engulfs me. I wonder at life and try to show people how i feel, who i really am; but selfish emotions lead nowhere. So what can we do?
a few hard ideas here. Stop thinking about yourself, damn, if it was just that easy. But really if you spend more time helping others your own wants will die away. Remember in life it's not what we want that matters its what we need.
Remember that there will always be people who love you. You can talk to people you trust if you go about in the right attitude, don't be self centered just explain it as a life consuming problem.
Try to do things that engage your time well and make you feel good inside and out. Its a cliche answer but helping others works. Also you could try changing the world/or just your lifestyle.
Now, lets get to a more direct issue. Is there a someone who makes you feel joyous one day and hopeless the next? Emotions are a two-edged sword; used with skill it can be precise, used without it can be lethal. I won't give you people any advice i wouldn't try myself, but get to know them. Get to know the person you like (or think you like). I know it sounds strange but it will save a lot of time later on. Most times you just like them for their looks, but personality is just as important. You may find out their going in a completely different direction to you and on that you don't want to ruin a good friendship.
Spend time with them, if they want to. Don't create any uncomfortable moments that you both may regret. Show them that you care about them. A lot of people don't make the effort, but it's worth it, after all they're going to want to talk to someone who wants to know.
A good strong relationship takes time. A lifelong marriage was never built overnight so move forward together at a rate you are both comfortable with. And talk about it. Talk about where your relationship is going. Talk about how you are feeling, help each other and understand one another. Conversation can build so many bridges and open so many doors and create so many more cheesy metaphors, talk and share your love show your feelings, support each other and there is one more thing.
God. Creator of all, friend to all. Father and provider. If you put God at the center of all you do you cannot go wrong. Let God help and guide you in daily life and ask him about the major decisions in your life. God wants to know how you are doing and how he can help.
God wants to know you so listen to THIS.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
A Pass on Truth
Why is it that we get so entangled by emotions? We want to tell people how we feel but, inside we are embarrassed or ashamed of what we have to say.
If there is one lesson I want to show to the people it is this:
'never be ashamed by your love, for love itself is a pure creation. It has innocence, forgiveness and above all it seeks truth. For when truth and love are united as one, there is no power that can overcome that universal truth'
Let not love be an idea, let it be a way of living and let those you care about know that you love them.
So back to the question; why is it that we get so entangled by emotions? The answer lies in several places and i think each one is different to the type of person. It may be that you are insecure and are scared of people picking you apart, but remember love overcomes fear. It may just be that you feel the time is not right. Fair enough. Everything has its time, but don't put it off because of fear. For you may end up waiting too long and missing the chance. Or it could just be solid doubt. Do i really like them? Do they feel the same way? Well if you never tell them you will never know how they feel.
Yes love is kind and completely enrapturing. But it takes guts to admit real love. It takes an inner strength that dosen't come about easily, to show someone you care.
A real relationship will involve you fully. It will involve every aspect of your life coming under some type of scrutiny. But do not shy away for a bold heart IS a strong heart in love
If there is one lesson I want to show to the people it is this:
'never be ashamed by your love, for love itself is a pure creation. It has innocence, forgiveness and above all it seeks truth. For when truth and love are united as one, there is no power that can overcome that universal truth'
Let not love be an idea, let it be a way of living and let those you care about know that you love them.
So back to the question; why is it that we get so entangled by emotions? The answer lies in several places and i think each one is different to the type of person. It may be that you are insecure and are scared of people picking you apart, but remember love overcomes fear. It may just be that you feel the time is not right. Fair enough. Everything has its time, but don't put it off because of fear. For you may end up waiting too long and missing the chance. Or it could just be solid doubt. Do i really like them? Do they feel the same way? Well if you never tell them you will never know how they feel.
Yes love is kind and completely enrapturing. But it takes guts to admit real love. It takes an inner strength that dosen't come about easily, to show someone you care.
A real relationship will involve you fully. It will involve every aspect of your life coming under some type of scrutiny. But do not shy away for a bold heart IS a strong heart in love
Monday, 18 October 2010
I like the new look of my blog. What do you think? Good/bad/not sure.
Excellent because I am just being myself and your opinions are what i'm interested in, so please comment/ semd me an e-mail (nonohino@hotmail.co.uk), whatever.
Excellent because I am just being myself and your opinions are what i'm interested in, so please comment/ semd me an e-mail (nonohino@hotmail.co.uk), whatever.
Friday, 15 October 2010
I only ever wanted to live life. But now i find my 'day to day' life filled with jargon, yes all this media and unnecessary overexertion by, well basically everyone. "I want to live in a world..." are words that can so easily roll off our tongues, but unless we become 'proactive' and strive for change ourselves nothing will happen.
Do I plan ahead and think about the future? I recall an incident several years ago with a 'friend'. I would see her every week at least once and we would talk at length about lots of different things. I just saw us as friends, but I think she saw it as something more. We drifted apart and for a couple of years i forgot about her. It sounds truly horrific but I did, I just didn't care. I only remember her again when I heard a particular song which I'm sure we both loved.
For link click here
So remember what was given, remember life has a reason and remove the jargon from your life. So that simplicity and freedom from God can be given to you and your families. And so that we can step on into the future together.
Do I plan ahead and think about the future? I recall an incident several years ago with a 'friend'. I would see her every week at least once and we would talk at length about lots of different things. I just saw us as friends, but I think she saw it as something more. We drifted apart and for a couple of years i forgot about her. It sounds truly horrific but I did, I just didn't care. I only remember her again when I heard a particular song which I'm sure we both loved.
For link click here
So remember what was given, remember life has a reason and remove the jargon from your life. So that simplicity and freedom from God can be given to you and your families. And so that we can step on into the future together.
The true expression
The written word. One of the greatest achievement of humanity, but which can sometimes carry so little value. We are seeing more and more that heart moving speeches are so simple to write (any decent politician can write a lovely tear jerker), but they fail to put belief behind the words they sing so freely.
I ask you, in a world where language is changing, where everything is changing are we allowing so little emphasis to come on points of view? Are we failing to see that the more we talk the less we actually say? Soon it will take us minutes to relay how we feel, or maybe emotions will be a thing of the past, where we actually can't explain how we feel. I hope not, but we live in an ever changing world, and if we ever tried to stop it changing we would become the enemy and misunderstood. Life goes on always but i do, in the back of my mind, fear an age of Newspeak coming upon us. Don't take this the wrong way I'm definitely not a prescriptivist, but i do believe that language should try to hold on to the value of emotional representation. Otherwise our society may one day die out from the lack of "something the scholars used to call 'love'".
So let us spread love while we may. The hardest thing for me to write is "tell someone you love them" and i don't really know why. It seems that deep down i feel embarrassed saying it, and personally i feel as if it's something I have to say on my own, without any help of any form. Something which is gone after a moment, but takes an eternity to build up to. So here's a challenge for me too. Tell your loved ones how you feel. And I'll leave it at that.
I ask you, in a world where language is changing, where everything is changing are we allowing so little emphasis to come on points of view? Are we failing to see that the more we talk the less we actually say? Soon it will take us minutes to relay how we feel, or maybe emotions will be a thing of the past, where we actually can't explain how we feel. I hope not, but we live in an ever changing world, and if we ever tried to stop it changing we would become the enemy and misunderstood. Life goes on always but i do, in the back of my mind, fear an age of Newspeak coming upon us. Don't take this the wrong way I'm definitely not a prescriptivist, but i do believe that language should try to hold on to the value of emotional representation. Otherwise our society may one day die out from the lack of "something the scholars used to call 'love'".
So let us spread love while we may. The hardest thing for me to write is "tell someone you love them" and i don't really know why. It seems that deep down i feel embarrassed saying it, and personally i feel as if it's something I have to say on my own, without any help of any form. Something which is gone after a moment, but takes an eternity to build up to. So here's a challenge for me too. Tell your loved ones how you feel. And I'll leave it at that.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Have we ever had innocence?
It is childish to think that every person sees life in the same way. Here's an example. If we all saw the world exactly the same, we would be ruled over by one Global Government, and we would all freely take part in the party.
Fortunately, we are all much different and can see the world in our own ways. But this causes problems. This can cause cross purposes and in our minds people are insulting us when in fact they are complementing. Fortunately, this is where patience is key. We can spend time asking them what they meant and understanding their point of view. Thus we can develop together and help others see the different points of view.
Harmonisation. Not only in society with our friends and people, but inside us also. If we are all mangled up inside where our beliefs are constantly clashing with our lifestyle then we will act differently towards each other. A bad man cannot be made good by society, only by changing the fundamental morals on which he acts. If you see no link between these two truths (harmonisation and morals) then go, see how people with twisted morals react towards others and how their behaviour limits their uses. Then you may be able to understand that we need to be in harmony, as a united World. So that we can take the last few steps into the unknown together.
Fortunately, we are all much different and can see the world in our own ways. But this causes problems. This can cause cross purposes and in our minds people are insulting us when in fact they are complementing. Fortunately, this is where patience is key. We can spend time asking them what they meant and understanding their point of view. Thus we can develop together and help others see the different points of view.
Harmonisation. Not only in society with our friends and people, but inside us also. If we are all mangled up inside where our beliefs are constantly clashing with our lifestyle then we will act differently towards each other. A bad man cannot be made good by society, only by changing the fundamental morals on which he acts. If you see no link between these two truths (harmonisation and morals) then go, see how people with twisted morals react towards others and how their behaviour limits their uses. Then you may be able to understand that we need to be in harmony, as a united World. So that we can take the last few steps into the unknown together.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
The People Responsible
Are you listening, are you paying attention? This world is changing, and at this very moment in time, not for the better. We allow the public to be bullied and harassed by the Government, while they hide behind their piles of money and the deficit. Yes people voted the current Prime Minister in, but that's only because they believed in his party's original policies.
Lets get things clear. Cameron holds all the power in the Government (well whats left), while Clegg changes his steadfast beliefs as quick as the wind changes, so he's always agreeing with Cameron. Clegg does nothing. He has no influential effect, he just gets his face on TV.
I'm not saying that Labour are the sinless, rightful party to run the Government, but at least they cared more about people in general. With Cameron, its let the rich dine heartily and let (or should it be make) the poor hold up the table.
A friend of mine complains that i moan too much about the Government. Well i wouldn't if their standard of living (3 LARGE houses, extravagant lifestyles, limitless money) was available to everyone. You have to be born into money, to be a member of Parliament. I wouldn't even moan if it was voluntary, and something deeply wrong has to in motion, if people don't want to live under 'the Government'.
It is meant to be a foundation where the best standard of living is made free for all. Where society develops as one and goes through troubles together. We are in a divided nation. No wonder life is so bloody hard, what they call freedom, is what we called slavery. I'll let you make your own parallels.
Lets get things clear. Cameron holds all the power in the Government (well whats left), while Clegg changes his steadfast beliefs as quick as the wind changes, so he's always agreeing with Cameron. Clegg does nothing. He has no influential effect, he just gets his face on TV.
I'm not saying that Labour are the sinless, rightful party to run the Government, but at least they cared more about people in general. With Cameron, its let the rich dine heartily and let (or should it be make) the poor hold up the table.
A friend of mine complains that i moan too much about the Government. Well i wouldn't if their standard of living (3 LARGE houses, extravagant lifestyles, limitless money) was available to everyone. You have to be born into money, to be a member of Parliament. I wouldn't even moan if it was voluntary, and something deeply wrong has to in motion, if people don't want to live under 'the Government'.
It is meant to be a foundation where the best standard of living is made free for all. Where society develops as one and goes through troubles together. We are in a divided nation. No wonder life is so bloody hard, what they call freedom, is what we called slavery. I'll let you make your own parallels.
liberal democrats,
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Free Water, From the Sky?
You know what I'm sick of? There is no-where on the (English) Governments websites where ideas can be recommended, so I'm going to publish a few more reserved examples here.
We recently (a few months ago) had quite a bad drought in which all the 'reservoirs where loosing lots of water' according to the media. So here's the idea. The Government distributes (for free) 50 litre containers which can be attached to the bottom of the gutter spout, collecting rainwater. Every fortnight or so a lorry comes around to collect the water which then can be put into the reservoirs. Especially in times of drought.
Now i know this will cost money, but with this Government who's gonna notice another 2% on the tax? (clear irony).
This could stop the hosepipe bans and anyone who doesn't want to be involved can opt out. Thus saving time and annoying everyone. Obviously an idea the Government* will love.
*note: the use of a capital G in Government is more out of contempt and hilarity rather than respect.
Oh and also i decided to publish this after being told that i should recommend what the Government should do to improve.
We recently (a few months ago) had quite a bad drought in which all the 'reservoirs where loosing lots of water' according to the media. So here's the idea. The Government distributes (for free) 50 litre containers which can be attached to the bottom of the gutter spout, collecting rainwater. Every fortnight or so a lorry comes around to collect the water which then can be put into the reservoirs. Especially in times of drought.
Now i know this will cost money, but with this Government who's gonna notice another 2% on the tax? (clear irony).
This could stop the hosepipe bans and anyone who doesn't want to be involved can opt out. Thus saving time and annoying everyone. Obviously an idea the Government* will love.
*note: the use of a capital G in Government is more out of contempt and hilarity rather than respect.
Oh and also i decided to publish this after being told that i should recommend what the Government should do to improve.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
A Modern Interpretation
One of the duties of the church is to understand politics. Not to take politics on, but to understand the usage of it. For to start using politics will lead to division and malice amongst the members of the church. But to understand the principles and reasons for using politics helps to combat the effects of the government, and under careful guard and development could lead to a better life in the church. As a whole the church would gain a larger place in the minds of individuals, and the congregation would be united in larger decisions made by the church. The works of God would be seen more clearly by the public and the preciousness of them would be understood.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Reduction is Gain
Politicians will lie and they will backstab and they will do whatever it takes to (in England anyway) become Prime Minister. While convincing the public that they have the people’s interests at heart, rather than the massive pension on which each Prime Minister can retire. “Any former Prime Minister is entitled to half his £194,250 salary index-linked against inflation for the rest of his life.” This is a direct quote from
for those who are interested. Oh and don’t forget the £2 million worth of assets they get as standard. It just shows that any man who is ‘chosen’ (don’t forget we don’t really live in a world of freedom – see 1984 by George Orwell) to ‘run’ the country will probably not make much difference, considering their first aim is ‘to look after number 1’. Any decision a Prime Minister makes probably comes from a higher authority that chooses to be invisible, while still manipulating the country for the gain of power.
So the question is, why does the general public let it continue? Because a large percentage of us are afraid of change. We are scared of the impact of change, which we are responsible for. The government has succeeded in making the general public feel unable to run the country, so any decision we make will be the wrong choice, but for us as individuals it will be the most bearable choice. We have to believe we can do what they do, but better, in order just to overcome their pressurization.
for those who are interested. Oh and don’t forget the £2 million worth of assets they get as standard. It just shows that any man who is ‘chosen’ (don’t forget we don’t really live in a world of freedom – see 1984 by George Orwell) to ‘run’ the country will probably not make much difference, considering their first aim is ‘to look after number 1’. Any decision a Prime Minister makes probably comes from a higher authority that chooses to be invisible, while still manipulating the country for the gain of power.
So the question is, why does the general public let it continue? Because a large percentage of us are afraid of change. We are scared of the impact of change, which we are responsible for. The government has succeeded in making the general public feel unable to run the country, so any decision we make will be the wrong choice, but for us as individuals it will be the most bearable choice. We have to believe we can do what they do, but better, in order just to overcome their pressurization.
liberal democrats,
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
The Climb
From now on my motto is going to be "Achieve the impossible, then the hard things come easily". Why? Because that's how i want to live my life. I want to step out of my comfort zone and do things that most people only dream of. Of course i don't hold any sort of illusion that I'm the best at all things as I'm clearly not. i simply say that if you keep trying at something you will succeed and understanding will come. Thus the harder problems can be tackled easily and you may have already defeated them in seeking an answer to the impossible.
Sometimes it takes knowledge of the topic but if you keep stretching yourself you will achieve more and knowledge will come. But it ALWAYS takes commitment and time.
Sometimes it takes knowledge of the topic but if you keep stretching yourself you will achieve more and knowledge will come. But it ALWAYS takes commitment and time.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Help from Above
Boldness in decision making is vital. As the future come ever closer we as individuals but also as humanity will have some tough choices to make. But fear not for we are not alone.
We have a God who loves us. We have a God who will put us on the right paths and who will show us where to go. For we are all special, we are all unique, we are all loved...and we are all needed.
We have a God who loves us. We have a God who will put us on the right paths and who will show us where to go. For we are all special, we are all unique, we are all loved...and we are all needed.
Friday, 10 September 2010
What if?
I often find myself wonder what it would be like if reality (all that we know) stopped existing. Now some people would say that this is impossible. But i tend to believe that all things are possible, just some are really hard. Many people would refuse to accept the non-existence and others may just go with it. We may end up with a world in which we create our own everything, but the after we've dabbed in pure creation we as humans wouldn't be able to stop. We would crave it more than anything, it would become a drug to us. So I like the idea of a world where pure creation is possible, but I'll stick to this reality for the moment.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
The Final Chance?
Brothers and sisters, the sky darkens as the future of the world becomes more clear, as the very planet releases it's anger upon us. The storm clouds build up quickly and eventually the rain will fall. In the distance thunder roars and a sense of foreboding looms.
We were put on this planet to care for it. We are the gardeners of Earth, but still we reject our duty. The rain begins to fall and we realise that our own greed and selfishness has destroyed this final safe place. A change of attitude and lifestyle is required but some of us cling to desperately to this thin sheet of life.
Life is only the thin shroud covering eternity and after death to us it will no longer hold much comfort. Lets save the world together. Field by field.
We were put on this planet to care for it. We are the gardeners of Earth, but still we reject our duty. The rain begins to fall and we realise that our own greed and selfishness has destroyed this final safe place. A change of attitude and lifestyle is required but some of us cling to desperately to this thin sheet of life.
Life is only the thin shroud covering eternity and after death to us it will no longer hold much comfort. Lets save the world together. Field by field.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
I feel Inspired
Some people question life and why we were put on this planet. (And if i'm repeating myself i'm sorry, but i am pulling this from the top of my head). But I believe that we were made to experience life partialy, so we know how valuable even an individual life is. Now we are surrounded by many forms of media including video games and the news which have desensitized us from loss of life. I understand the news is put there as an 'impartial' relay of information, but they could put some feeling behind the figures. It's as if saying "250 people found dead" is just another fact and figure to them. Gaming however places people in situations where killing is the only option. I know it's played down, but still it is making children and teenagers (and everyone inbetween) feel comfortable, about killing and around dead bodies.
"Violence reaps what violence sows" and that usualy means more bloodshed. For a good number of people crave revenge after death has visited.
"Violence reaps what violence sows" and that usualy means more bloodshed. For a good number of people crave revenge after death has visited.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Life and more besides
Life. The one thing most of us are sure we are experiencing. We can't remember anything before life and some people aren't sure there is anything after, but here's what I think. Life is just a stepping stone; granted a rather big steeping stone, but still just a point in the journey of our eternal spiritual lives. Some people cling to life because they are afraid of what comes after, they are afraid of death and the unknown. But we will live on, weather we want to or not. And personally it's such a comfort to know that family members and friends are passing to a better plane of existence, a world without pain, with only eternal life and love. A place where they can live beyond the physical. Sound good?
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Getting to know everyone
You want to talk to people? You want to get to know your community? You have to take the first steps. Simple steps in theory but they need a lot of hard work both mental and physical put into them. People wont talk to you if you present a bad image to them, they may feel threatened or just that you don't appreciate them.
So here's how to get started. One key principle to presenting a good image is to be positive. In day to day life be light hearted, don't let small things get you don't. But don't try to appear perfect, if you show to your friends you have problems and you need to talk then they will see you on their level. They will feel more comfortable around you and when people are relaxed they often talk more sense.
Then people will come to you when they have problems and you can help each others. This is a good way to make the tedious parts of life seem easier, helping you to enjoy life to it's full.
So here's how to get started. One key principle to presenting a good image is to be positive. In day to day life be light hearted, don't let small things get you don't. But don't try to appear perfect, if you show to your friends you have problems and you need to talk then they will see you on their level. They will feel more comfortable around you and when people are relaxed they often talk more sense.
Then people will come to you when they have problems and you can help each others. This is a good way to make the tedious parts of life seem easier, helping you to enjoy life to it's full.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Ha! What Government?
There are a few things that have to be said. The 'Government' in England brings children up with the ideas that you should keep promises, that you should tell the truth; that your word is your bond. However, when it comes to the political those "P.I.P's" (People In Power) forget that and keenly back stab and lie to the grand population, oh and each other. "Well politics is a dirty game" someone told me. But are the lives of thousands of people really something to play around with? Is it not time that these spoilt little rich kids, who grew up to run a country, learn the meaning of the words; poor, needy, cold, starving? Is it not time that a group of people who know what they are doing ran the country? OR is the English population just going to sit back and let the biggest injustice we have ever known happen right under our noses? The Lib Dems once promised an end to broken promises, now the poorest people in the country have to pay the most to get England out of this cesspool of debt that the rich people got us into already. Are you going to sit there while those greedy people make the problems worse? OR are you going to stand with the people against the injustice are we going to cry out with a united belief that we want an end to the days of suffering? If so; start the revolution, and help Britain's poorest to live the life they should be living without all this political jargon. The people has the right to speak and actions must be taken.
liberal democrats,
Friday, 20 August 2010
A small note
Good day readers. I am sorry that the last few posts have been late. I've been on holiday see with no internet at all. So i had to draft them out to type up later. Remember you can e-mail any ideas, complaints or compliments to nonohino@hotmail.co.uk and i shall try my best to comply. Holidays are good they let us escape from the normality of life for a while. They let us go see parts of the world we couldn't before. Also you have an excuse to wear shorts and spend money.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Love and effect
I was once (a very long time ago) called a Mr. Love Guru (thank you Luke from Wired for War). Which is odd considering i have next to no experience on the topic. It got me thinking how does someone with no experience get opinions in that particular topic? I guess it's just our exposure to daily life. Talking with people gives us knowledge, hope, aspirations and goals. And I set myself a goal to understand the power of love, what did I find...
I found a place where true love knows no limits and has no boundaries. Where every child, every woman and man no matter what age were held in equal with each other. I found a place where you don't have to cry yourself to sleep every night; because the people love you. I found a place of peace. But when you try to force love, when you try to control or ignore love (even unintentionally) it leads to a different place; a place of regret, of self-pity, a place where you waste away your life thinking of what could have been. That place is not somewhere i want to go. So what does it take:
Attention; in each other and their needs
Comfort; around each other and to provide it when needed
Trust; in each other to do the right things
Knowledge; of each other. Without knowing your partner a relationship cannot last
Understanding; of each others goals and what they need from life
Mutal interests; to share passtimes and hobbies helps bonding
Love; in each other
Without any of these things for your partner, or yourself, love cannot flourish. But the hardship is worth it, and in the end it is easier doing than it sounds.
I found a place where true love knows no limits and has no boundaries. Where every child, every woman and man no matter what age were held in equal with each other. I found a place where you don't have to cry yourself to sleep every night; because the people love you. I found a place of peace. But when you try to force love, when you try to control or ignore love (even unintentionally) it leads to a different place; a place of regret, of self-pity, a place where you waste away your life thinking of what could have been. That place is not somewhere i want to go. So what does it take:
Attention; in each other and their needs
Comfort; around each other and to provide it when needed
Trust; in each other to do the right things
Knowledge; of each other. Without knowing your partner a relationship cannot last
Understanding; of each others goals and what they need from life
Mutal interests; to share passtimes and hobbies helps bonding
Love; in each other
Without any of these things for your partner, or yourself, love cannot flourish. But the hardship is worth it, and in the end it is easier doing than it sounds.
Vengeance and bloodshed
Do nothing in spite. For a decision made in spite is no decision at all. Shedding blood only leads to more bloodshed, and in that sense no blood is good blood. The hardest thing to do is not to plot your revenge (for revenge is worth nothing, there is only more bloodshed) but to simply walk away and forgive the person. Am i crazy? perhaps, but holding up all the vengeance for every 'bad' (in your view) act committed against you, leads to you collapsing under their weight of the thoughts. Ruining your life. Simply tell them you forgive them and take the high road. Do not be coaxed back into fighting, for war solves nothing.
Winning in the long run
Have you ever been persecuted by someone who's will was completely set against your own?
If you want to stop them and make it seem like they have won, then do this. Continue practicing your actions in the way you would normaly, but when you are finished set it to look like how they would want you to leave it. Making it seem like you have conformed to their way, just practice your way in privicy and the enemy wont hunt you any longer.
Breaking out against an oppresive will isn't easy, you must find your reason. Your pillar of strength on which you can rest, so that each exploit will only futher rally you to break free.
If you can show the oppresor that you are stronger than them, but you don't harm them, then they may leave you alone. But if they don't then a stronger course of action is required.
If you want to stop them and make it seem like they have won, then do this. Continue practicing your actions in the way you would normaly, but when you are finished set it to look like how they would want you to leave it. Making it seem like you have conformed to their way, just practice your way in privicy and the enemy wont hunt you any longer.
Breaking out against an oppresive will isn't easy, you must find your reason. Your pillar of strength on which you can rest, so that each exploit will only futher rally you to break free.
If you can show the oppresor that you are stronger than them, but you don't harm them, then they may leave you alone. But if they don't then a stronger course of action is required.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Life and Forever
I do in my day-to-day life talk to a lot of people. And in conversations it is clear to me that a good amount of people I talk to think life is 100% of their existence. They think that there is nothing beyond this life and that no matter what they do there will be no grander plan. But I don’t believe this. I believe that after we die we have an eternal spiritual existence in a world of paradise; that we live on Earth in preparation for our spiritual lives. But not only is it preparation, its education and practice of skills that make us worthy to live in such a paradise. In fact I would say that life is only a facet of the jewel of existence. And even though it makes our existence more valuable, it’s still only a small part. We have to concentrate more on the entirety of the jewel rather than the facet, and that is very hard. But here are some tips.
Think selflessly and show people you have concern for them.
Don’t be afraid to express your emotions.
Be happy and find joy in all that happens.
Don’t worry about anything, for it won’t make your life longer.
Express equality and fairness in all you do.
And love the people around you. We are all humans together and if we can’t show each other love, then what do we amount to?
Think selflessly and show people you have concern for them.
Don’t be afraid to express your emotions.
Be happy and find joy in all that happens.
Don’t worry about anything, for it won’t make your life longer.
Express equality and fairness in all you do.
And love the people around you. We are all humans together and if we can’t show each other love, then what do we amount to?
Monday, 2 August 2010
Those Who Remember
Where would i be if it wasn't for my friends? I wouldn't be doing this that's for sure. I firmly believe that the life I've lived with my friends has made me so much more of a real person. I'm bolder, I've become more random and crazy, and i find life is full of so many good unexpected things. So here's to the guys and girls who have helped me become myself. Lets hope it lasts another eighty years!
One for the team
It seems that after thirty odd posts I'm starting to get tired of the sound of my own thoughts. So if you would like me to blog about a particular issue or idea (no matter how controversial) i will. I have set up a special e-mail address devoted just to this, so send your ideas to nonohino@hotmail.co.uk amd i'll try my best to comply.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Living After
I am not worried about the future. For i know, wherever i will be, that it is the place i am meant to be at. Yes I've had friendships in the past. Some have continued while others have faded away, but i know that we will all meet again someday under better circumstances. And we will remember that old bond and our lives will change as we discover more than we could ever dream about. Friendship, one of the powers that can change the world.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
When it comes to the heart of the matter, what is duty? It is a moral commitment to someone or something. Parents have a moral commitment to their children. And i do believe that this older generation should have a duty to ensure that the next generation knows exactly what it is doing in the world. So i put this to you (the public). Do you have the wisdom/the understanding to show the children? Do you also have the ability? Then it is your responsibility to show them how to live life for the best. How to get through still breathing, and how to enjoy every second of it.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
There is one type of fear which is above all the others; in terms of effects, severity and reactions (feelings/emotions).
It could be described as the fear of the unknown, but that only covers part of it. It is the fear of something evil that you know is there (following you/wanting you) for its own purpose, but when you check there is nothing. It is fear that makes you jump at every shadow and run wild in blind panic. Fear of this type can destroy people and minds. It can ruin plans and cause breaking of family and friends bonds. For you will always try to keep one eye on the shadows and never two eyes on problems before you. This fear has been used in many ways and the spell is always broken when the evil reveals itself. But there is another way. To think selfishly will amplify the effects of the fear, only making the situation worse. To overcome the fear you must think selflessly. Think of others who could be in danger and plan and move to help them. Selflessness twinned with faith that a brighter dawn is coming is surely a step toward victory.
It could be described as the fear of the unknown, but that only covers part of it. It is the fear of something evil that you know is there (following you/wanting you) for its own purpose, but when you check there is nothing. It is fear that makes you jump at every shadow and run wild in blind panic. Fear of this type can destroy people and minds. It can ruin plans and cause breaking of family and friends bonds. For you will always try to keep one eye on the shadows and never two eyes on problems before you. This fear has been used in many ways and the spell is always broken when the evil reveals itself. But there is another way. To think selfishly will amplify the effects of the fear, only making the situation worse. To overcome the fear you must think selflessly. Think of others who could be in danger and plan and move to help them. Selflessness twinned with faith that a brighter dawn is coming is surely a step toward victory.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
You know what is unusual about blogging? It has to be done everyday. It has to be continuous. Now for simple things like going to work, or the toilet even; repetition is easy. But blogging, it puzzles me. I sit down and try to think about things to blog about, dynamic points of view, interesting thoughts; but usually i end up with jargon. So where to begin? I can safely say I'm always in the wrong place for blogging when I'm hit (or slapped even) by inspiration. There isn't a computer, i don't have paper, and so on. So I try to remember what i was thinking, but I get distracted really easily so I forget. And that's OK it happens to us all, and i learn and start to carry around paper and a pen. Original thoughts will always be yours, but if you have the signed and dated paper to prove it your in a much more confident place. So write down your ideas, record your thoughts and opinions and make sure no one can take them away. For we are all individual people and inspiration always takes us somewhere.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
The Great Journey
I long ago came to terms with this: I am on the Great Journey of life. And as long as I try my best as what tasks are put before me, I shall travel the path I was meant to travel. Even if it takes me through times of darkness; for in the darkness the light shines brighter and holds more value. I will be unshakable in where I am standing, for this is life. And life is to be lived. And to live life requires making leaps of faith in directions that may not have been considered. But leap and see the good effects it has on people.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Life and What We Do
It seems to me that as we get older we unintentionally make life more complicated for ourselves. We make choices and decisions which can lead to worse situations. And its only when we look back over the past that we realise how stupid we were and how bad those choices were. It really is hard, overcoming your own failings, but it is an essential part of life. So we can learn. And as i keep saying or hinting at learning is very important in this world, without learning we cannot appreciate things, we cannot show compassion and we can't love. But bad decisions in love are sometimes what makes life complicated. I believe my past has helped make me the man i am today; and i hope that's true for everyone. That somewhere in their past decisions have led to an increase in morality and understanding. But to finish on a happy note. Reach out to the people around you. Talk to your community, for you may learn something new, and it may just be what you needed to hear.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Just Typical
A friend of mine recently got a letter from his bank saying basically that he hadn't used his account in 15 years and if he didn't prove that he knew about the money in his account; it would be taken off him. Now that is just typical of the government. It was his money in the first place, but now they tell him (they don't ask) they tell him, they are taking his money and using it for 'good causes'. Now considering the state of the 'economic climate' the only 'good causes' i can think they are talking about is that huge debt the country is in. And who's fault was the debt in the first place, eh? The banks. So they rob us, tell us what they will do with our money and all so they can have billions of pounds in their accounts.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Nostalgic Moments
Don't we just love to look back over our lives? In a society where thousands of pictures are taken every hour, where home movies are on the rise; it's really easy to look back over good times in our lives. And it's important to remember that family love, and the friendships we experience each day. What isn't alright, is dreaming away years of your life where you are in the past, in those 'glorious' days. When life seemed so easy, and nothing went wrong. For that won't make you new friends and it won't develop your life. However, going out there, in the streets, in your local town and spending time with friends/family will. You will make new acquaintances and you will develop in new exciting areas as a person. It will take time, and for sure it will be a difficult task on occasion. But at the end of the hard times, you can look around and see a brighter world, and life will be alive and worth living. You will have gained new skills with people. But it takes those first steps, and in some areas they will be the hardest steps of your life. At times it may seem like a fruitless venture, but if you keep up the determination, the belief, and the faith that you can change...you will. And you will be happier for the difference.
Monday, 12 July 2010
The Right Way
*Sorry this post is so late by the way. I'm finding it hard to write down ideas at the moment*
Have you ever mistook something for something else? A friendship for love, a statement for an insult; the list goes on. I have. And it can come as quite a shock when you realise your view of the situation is wrong. It takes time for things to heal over, because as people we want to take a step back and think about the relations with the people involved. The only way to sort a situation out is to sit down and speak. Speak the truth, but also search for a resolution where either; both parties come away unharmed and again friends, or a situation where both parties gain knowledge and understanding as well as the other things stated above.
The latter is the hardest. For to learn requires being taught, and unless you can cast away all emotion and learn alone it is normally the other person who must teach you. And of course you must teach them. And here arises a very diverse problem, 'how can you learn from the person who you are confronting?' You must think like them. And i stress here that you only think, you do not act, you do not become them; you merely think like them. So you can understand the situation they are in with you. Thus you can together work toward a resolution. It may not be pretty and it will take time. But showing compassion, by understand them can gain you a friend along the way.
Have you ever mistook something for something else? A friendship for love, a statement for an insult; the list goes on. I have. And it can come as quite a shock when you realise your view of the situation is wrong. It takes time for things to heal over, because as people we want to take a step back and think about the relations with the people involved. The only way to sort a situation out is to sit down and speak. Speak the truth, but also search for a resolution where either; both parties come away unharmed and again friends, or a situation where both parties gain knowledge and understanding as well as the other things stated above.
The latter is the hardest. For to learn requires being taught, and unless you can cast away all emotion and learn alone it is normally the other person who must teach you. And of course you must teach them. And here arises a very diverse problem, 'how can you learn from the person who you are confronting?' You must think like them. And i stress here that you only think, you do not act, you do not become them; you merely think like them. So you can understand the situation they are in with you. Thus you can together work toward a resolution. It may not be pretty and it will take time. But showing compassion, by understand them can gain you a friend along the way.
Friday, 9 July 2010
More Than
The fact of the matter is if we don't learn to live and work together, be friends, stay in touch and learn to teach and support each other; we can never move on in life. And Life IS to be enjoyed. Don't wake up with a frown and think how crappy the day will be, because 9 times out of 10 it will be if you have a negative attitude. Instead realise just what you could do today. Explore a range of possibilities and try something different every now and again.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Forever Hold Your Peace
Life can sometimes feel like fishing. If you don't concentrate really hard on particular object, you get distracted and miss the catch. But life was created for us to step back and look at a slightly bigger picture. Sure we'll never be able to look at the whole picture, but all we have to do is realise it's there. Then we can see life as, well as life. But you know what, waking up each day to another day of life gets me all excited about living. And i wouldn't want to feel any different. Because even if i do miss the catch, I'm going to look ahead and plan and prepare for the next.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Go Where the Sun Dies
There is a world out there. And sometimes, people get trapped in their 'busy schedules' which means they forget some of the most important things. I don't just mean other countries, although it is important to help those people. I'm talking about your family, your friends. The people who sacrifice so much out of view just so you can live your life the way you want to. Don't they deserve some reward, some little token of your respect? Then spend more time with them. Help them, do things about the house for them. Show them you care, and love can conquer all.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sharing that Burden
Selflessness. A very hard thing to be all your life. To think only of how other are doing. But in a society where you are the only selfless individual, well it's suicide. I f you and only you spend all day thinking about others, then your forgetting someone. Yourself. In a society like that it can't work. But if everyone is selfless, if everyone thinks only about others and how they are doing, then you have multiple people watching your back. You have a grand sense of security, that can't be taken away. That is a world i aspire to live in. That is my perfect society. Where peoples troubles are shared, and solutions found. Where you don't have to be suspicious because you know the people are with you. Isn't it amazing?
Friday, 2 July 2010
That's Just Life
Why is it, that when you have no time to spare it seems like you have a million things to do, and when you have all the time in the world you have nothing to do? Thats always the way it's seemed for me. I guess as humans, as we become busier we think we have to do more things, just so we dont stop being busy. Until of course we have a breakdown. The best thing really is to space yourself. Focus on one task at a time rather than juggling them and you'll finish them quicker. However when it comes to certain work related issues, find a friend who can assist you, a friend who will stop you stressing out and be able to say when you need a break. Do these things and life will seem easier, you wil feel more free.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
The End of All Things
Death. A simple word really, often comes up in day to day conversations, but is often overlooked. Death should not be feared. It is a natural process, it happens to all of us eventually. And no matter what religion you follow, it's widely accepted as the next step in our eternal lives. Without death we can never fully value life. We would never learn how much it hurts when a loved one dies, and that is an important Lesson to learn. For death treats every person as equal. It is the greatest equaliser, it has no preference and will take when it wants. But whats important is not how much time we have on this good Earth, but what we do with that time. Nothing we own belongs to us. Everything is borrowed, and when we show charity and give it to those who need it (time, money, love, warmth, advice) it wont come back empty handed. Those people will see your care and responsibility, and that might be the first step in their lives as to becoming a better person.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Looking In From Outside
Life. Some people call it the endurance of one type of pain after another. Thats not true. Sure life does involve many types of pain, but thats only a tiny part of it. To dwell and focus on those isn't only selfish, it's the ignorance of life itself.
Maybe oneday every person will see how much of a gift life is. The joy we know, the love we experience, even the friendships we make, are all tiny threads which make up the carpet of our life. Taking that idea further, it takes many carpets to make a house feel and look complete. So go out there and be a member of your family, of your community, of your group of friends. And live life together for everyday.
Maybe oneday every person will see how much of a gift life is. The joy we know, the love we experience, even the friendships we make, are all tiny threads which make up the carpet of our life. Taking that idea further, it takes many carpets to make a house feel and look complete. So go out there and be a member of your family, of your community, of your group of friends. And live life together for everyday.
Friday, 25 June 2010
The Relevance of the Past
People often say that time is like a wheel where events repeat themselves over many decades. Personally i don't think this is true. I do believe however that having a respect of the past can prevent us from making the same mistakes again.
If your sat in your life, watching the world go by, wondering if your existence has any relevance at all, then look around you. We are seeing great problems but also great things happening. This year is a record breaker. Who knows you may one day be involved with great solutions if you just get a few life goals.
Listen and don't cast this aside, everybody is born equal. Everyone is an important member of society and everyone can do something amazing.
If you look through history there are dozens of cases of people doing amazing things because of love. So maybe you feel like nobody in your life loves you. That's IS NOT TRUE. Everybody on this planet is loved by someone. And i knew this would be brought in eventually, but here is the religion aspect. God loves us all, God created us all, and God knows every intimate detail about us, he loves us all equally. So be happy your life has a purpose, a plan beyond anything you can imagine.
If your sat in your life, watching the world go by, wondering if your existence has any relevance at all, then look around you. We are seeing great problems but also great things happening. This year is a record breaker. Who knows you may one day be involved with great solutions if you just get a few life goals.
Listen and don't cast this aside, everybody is born equal. Everyone is an important member of society and everyone can do something amazing.
If you look through history there are dozens of cases of people doing amazing things because of love. So maybe you feel like nobody in your life loves you. That's IS NOT TRUE. Everybody on this planet is loved by someone. And i knew this would be brought in eventually, but here is the religion aspect. God loves us all, God created us all, and God knows every intimate detail about us, he loves us all equally. So be happy your life has a purpose, a plan beyond anything you can imagine.
Can 1 Person Change the World?
If you are looking for a basic yes or no answer them I'm sorry.
There are many things to consider and usually relies on the general mood of the population at the time you plan to change the world.
As for the answer, all I'm going to say is it's possible. And if you believe the facts and opinions you are voicing, then you will get much further than saying something with no meaning.
Of course, if you are passionate about the issue at hand you may be able to show people how you see something and they may be convinced, or even join you fully.
As we develop is the world (as individual people) we have to be able to take criticism (good and bad) otherwise we will never develop or grow confident in our life.
If it is a completely new idea, which may take years to spread. it probably will change the world. But how many completely new and radical ideas are made by 1 singular person?
Embrace history and look at the present to find problems that need solutions, then think on it. Make notes and test your ideas and theories to ensure they work. Read the news to find out things that are happening and people's points of view. And do things that are relevant.
There are many things to consider and usually relies on the general mood of the population at the time you plan to change the world.
As for the answer, all I'm going to say is it's possible. And if you believe the facts and opinions you are voicing, then you will get much further than saying something with no meaning.
Of course, if you are passionate about the issue at hand you may be able to show people how you see something and they may be convinced, or even join you fully.
As we develop is the world (as individual people) we have to be able to take criticism (good and bad) otherwise we will never develop or grow confident in our life.
If it is a completely new idea, which may take years to spread. it probably will change the world. But how many completely new and radical ideas are made by 1 singular person?
Embrace history and look at the present to find problems that need solutions, then think on it. Make notes and test your ideas and theories to ensure they work. Read the news to find out things that are happening and people's points of view. And do things that are relevant.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Meaning comes from the past
Life is hard. Even when things seem to be going your way, you still have to work for them. Don’t you see that life isn’t against you? It’s against everyone. So try harder, work better, and be the light in your work place, in your family, in your social group. And let them see what it is in you that makes the difference. You have friendships that aren’t going anywhere. Is it lack of trust, or just lack of contact. Trust, friendship and eventually love, takes long years to form properly. If you try to speed them up, you’ll destroy a delicate thing. But once it has been forged for good it is virtually unbreakable. So have the patience and wait, rushing about does no-one any good. The end lies in the beginning, but from a different perspective.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Is This A Vital Process?
Is your life filled with uncertain areas. Areas where you can't decide on what you should do? It shouldn't be. Life should come naturally, then living should fall into place so you can enjoy it all. Here's a thought: If your spending all your life working, just so you can enjoy yourself, your doing something wrong. If you find you can live without something, then carry on with life, not thinking about, you'll enjoy life even more. So, on that level of thought, how many things can i live without. The answer is unique and diverse for each of us, and it depends where we are in life as well. It takes a great person who can help others, without first experiencing the same problems. So if you are good at this, then give your advice. Stand up and let people know you can help. A man wont be heard if he doesn't speak, and now is your time.
Friday, 18 June 2010
The Heart of The Matter
Be bold, in your decisions. Be loyal, in your choices. And forever hold your peace.
Stick with people through the thick and thin, through the bad and good times. For they will notice your dedication, and they will stick with you. Help when you can. Stand up against injustice, give your extra to the needy and don't collect items you already own.
When you are in need, tell someone, don't refuse help and support for the sake of appearing strong and independent. Use your time wisely and consider all things. Keep an open mind, but don't be persuaded too easily. Stick to your opinions, your values, your morals, and only add things that are in line with those. Don't be a hypocrite and keep yourself in plain view. Don't tangle yourself in a web of your own lies, for you will only suffocate. Spend part of your life exploring the reality and the world around you, then as you come to understand, start to explore the rest of your life, greet everyday and think things through, then you will be at peace. Look beyond life, to eternity, and marvel at it's glory.
Stick with people through the thick and thin, through the bad and good times. For they will notice your dedication, and they will stick with you. Help when you can. Stand up against injustice, give your extra to the needy and don't collect items you already own.
When you are in need, tell someone, don't refuse help and support for the sake of appearing strong and independent. Use your time wisely and consider all things. Keep an open mind, but don't be persuaded too easily. Stick to your opinions, your values, your morals, and only add things that are in line with those. Don't be a hypocrite and keep yourself in plain view. Don't tangle yourself in a web of your own lies, for you will only suffocate. Spend part of your life exploring the reality and the world around you, then as you come to understand, start to explore the rest of your life, greet everyday and think things through, then you will be at peace. Look beyond life, to eternity, and marvel at it's glory.
Monday, 14 June 2010
The Time It Takes
Yes. You'd be surprised, everything takes time. Even if it's that 30 seconds while your "lunch" cooks in the microwave. Being impatient humans, we want most things straight away, but usualy this is not so good for us. Wether it's a relationship, or infact just waiting for a new film to come out, that extra time spent waiting is usualy what keeps us interested, and leads to a sucess. Now why is this? Honestly I do know, maybe it's the same principle as what makes the most aged wine taste the richest, who knows. All I can say is that in this world, where speed is essential, and waiting still exists. Stop. Take a breath in life and see the world around you and get involved in it. You'll find life so much easier. Andm aybe you'll discover love of some kind, who knows? Thats life! Get living it!
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Making It
That moment as you finish a race, everyone has two endings. You either race across the line into first, or you crawl across in last. But what about the third ending where you give up? We we're all made never to give up, so I don't even consider that and really you shouldn't either. So what makes the difference between the winner and the looser. Training, practise, self-belief, faith, endurance, peace of mind, yes all these things help. And without them, you can't call yourself an expert in a certain field. But maybe knowledge is also important. I mean it's good if you can hit a bulls eye every time. But if you don't understand the rules for other games, you have no chance. So do some background studies on the field/sport/job you want and you'll get by.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Freetime and hobbies
You know I do love to cycle. Whenever i have enough free time and the weather is nice (cause this is England) I go cycling. Not only is it good for me physically due to all the exercise, but also mentally. It's good to get out into the country and spend a bit of time relaxing. A time where you don't have to think about anything, and can let the motion take you anywhere. Sometimes that hour or two of peace can really help you get through the week. No matter what it is you do to relax, nothing really can compare to the feeling of comfort and security.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Now for some reflective relaxation...
Yes, the time has come where people of lots of different ages and from every country (just about) will be finishing their exams. I have in fact finished all my exams, and will start enjoying my holiday A.S.A.P. So what am i going to do? Well, I'll spend some time reading books, cycling, writing books, watching TV, meeting friends, and enjoying life! And after all that, I'll still have 9 weeks to do more random things. But it is not the end. This is the beginning, for next year will be much more challenging than this. And if I pull through, to find myself out of college, what then? I have no idea! Maybe a job or onto university if I find a suitable course.
Monday, 7 June 2010
A Picture Suited To All
You want to live your life? You Want to live it to the full? Then get up! Go outside (whatever the weather) and do things and meet people! If you just walk down the street and blend into the background of everyday "life" passersby will forget about you. But if you step out of the norm, out of your comfort zones and do interesting things, people will want to know more. Don't let this world stop you. You try to do things and people put rules and guidelines in your way, which mean you have to fill out form after form just to do something you could have done in an afternoon. If we as people don't experiment with things how can we invent new things? Sometimes it's a stroke of genius, most of the time, it's an accident. So go! Get up and achieve something!
Saturday, 5 June 2010
The Moment Between Thinking and Doing
Practise. If you want to do something, practise. There is no quick way around things. I have tried for many years to find quick ways around many things and found nothing. So if you want to pass your exams (GCSE, A level, driving test, whatever) practise at doing the things they will assess you on. Oh and don't leave out the bits that you can't do. Why? Because it will only drag you down later on. e.g. the exam day. If you don't understand something, ask. Don't be scared if you don't know, you want to do well in life? Then ask until you understand and can do it without it hurting your head from thinking. I have a great deal of respect for people who can do things i can't; sing, dance, shoot a bulls eye every time, remember seemingly unimportant details, and so on. But if i could be bothered practising, i could learn to do most of these things. Then all it takes is time. And like most other humans who have a life. I have precious little time to myself (or so I seem to believe). So what can i do? Well I could stop going to college and thus skewer my future, or I could get my priorities straight. Thus allowing myself to waste not a second of my time...
This is the real world however and i'm sure there would be days when i just couldn't be bothered.
This is the real world however and i'm sure there would be days when i just couldn't be bothered.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Checking out the news
You know whats good? Staying in touch with family. It's made really easy by things such as skype or msn, especially when parts of your family live overseas due to better weather (well not at the moment). As our culture has advanced so has the speed of communication so we can get up to the minute news from the entire planet. But this speed increase usually means our lives have to speed up as well. And sometimes that's a bad thing indeed. We need peace we need relaxation in order to enjoy life. If we don't whats the difference between us and robots? ( it comes from the Czech word robotiti: "to work as a slave or a drudge") and I'm sure non of us are slaves since it was abolished in 1807 (in England anyway). So enjoy work but also enjoy life. Since work is a larger part of peoples lives, it makes sense not only to enjoy it but also to be around people who you get on with, so they can make your job seem a little more worth while.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Making Choices
It has always been an opinion of mine that, when making a decision I should think it through for a couple of days first. Weigh up the pro's and con's and then tackle the main issue head on. I only suggest this because i have not done so before in other situations and it has ended very badly. I am a great lover of music. I enjoy most types and have a massive collection, mainly from the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's. But i have older and newer music than these. I enjoy pop, rock, ska, techno, blues, metal, country, classical and so forth. But now i reach a choice. Do i collect only music i like/know, or do I collect it all. Every song by every band for the last 50 years. The first would refine the collection and make it mine, make it personal. The second would make it a database, for my friends to look up songs by. After several weeks I'm still torn and both seem pretty good to me. So I'm going to try my best to weigh up the pro's and con's and then I'll make a decision.
Not to make a decision is to not live life to it's fullness. And i definitely want to live.
Not to make a decision is to not live life to it's fullness. And i definitely want to live.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
The Road Between Junctions
Times have changed, that's true enough. Life has changed, that ain't true at all. Life seems harder as you grow older, but that's only because we make it harder for ourselves. When we we're young we had people to look after us every whim. But as you grow older you gain responsibilities. I often used to ask myself if, as a child, i have lived life to it's best everyday. But that's the past, and i realise i must have because i can still have a good time right now. And i wouldn't want to change the past. If i changed the past I'd change myself, and then who would i be? but responsibilities are good for us. They can teach us things (sometimes the hard way but that's life). And it's good that we learn. It gives us wisdom, which we can teach people with, but also learn from. I'm not saying forget the past, I'm not saying try to live as you did in the past; I'm saying embrace the past as you would the future, learn from it and help others to learn. It may just save someones life. Live your life how you want to live it. If you don't you miss out on things, you miss out on being yourself. And that's a pretty big crime if you ask me.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Plans and Ideas
I have often wondered what i am going to do with my life. But I've never dwell ed on the subject as i don't think much beyond the day I'm having. It's an odd place to be when you realise that you want to do and see so much, but you'll never have enough time in a lifetime to do it. So what can we do? Try a little variety if your stuck. Don't go and visit 30 different countries to look at the architecture or the museums. Explore. Sometimes you don't get anywhere following words on a page, in a guide. Yo have to write your own words, do your own crazy things, be yourself. I want to travel the world. All of it, every country to meet the culture, the people, the excitement, to ask them why do they get out of bed knowing sometimes they have nothing? It amazes me. And one day, i will do it. I'm going to plan it and ensure i can do it before i even try it. A brain surgeon doesn't operate on someone, if they've never had any training, why should i be different? 10 years i'll travel for and i'm going to invite some friends i dont know who yet but it'll be educational.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Life That Holds More
So, here's the thing I want a good job when I'm older and I want whats best for the future (family and such). The best piece of advise I found, is what i learnt the hard way. Start young, be prepared to make sacrifices for your work/revision, but get your priorities straight. If the extra work is taking you away from your families, forget about it. If the revision is making you grumpy/angry, talk it through with someone, it could make all the difference. And I'll be honest here, sometimes i don't see the point in having lots of money. I can have a great time without spending a penny (or more commonly these days a pound), but i do agree that as we grow older, more money means a better environment for your family to live in, and means you can give your children a proper childhood. Where do we go from here? If your at school, college, work, ect it's never too late to learn something new. Learning something new will help you and the more effort you put behind it the better, but the catch is all things in moderation. Too much of anything can change a person, too much power makes a person big headed, too much money makes a person believe they are better, when in fact we're all equal in every single way. Sure some people are more tallented in one area (i'm never going to be a world famous painter because i dont have a great love for art). It's how we use our skills to make our lives better that counts.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Everything Beyond Today
It's funny but I've never had a great understanding of people. Sure i have friends, some friends are one in a million, but others come and go as they choose. A few people have confused me, when they say one thing but then go and do anther thing, it can really hurt sometimes. And when you live your life trying to be honest and truthful, all that effort seems wasted. But then again why not put that effort in? Someone will notice and they will remember, and much later on when you need them, they'll be there for you as a friend. Of course friendships can sometimes develop into love...but that's for anther post. The worst thing you can do is blow something out of proportion in your mind. As the days go by you grow more and more suspicious. It's all usually untrue though, and when you think someone really hates you, they just didn't know that much about you in the first place. If you find it taxing and exhausting to be honest and truthful, here's some advice. Learn to talk less. There's a reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth. Its amazing what you learn when you just listen and then talk. People tend to ask you more as well, sometimes it's because they feel awkward when you don't speak. Usually its because they value your opinion. When it comes to it you may discover your friends aren't as shallow as they seem. Just frustrated with things in general.
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