Thursday, 19 August 2010

Winning in the long run

Have you ever been persecuted by someone who's will was completely set against your own?
If you want to stop them and make it seem like they have won, then do this. Continue practicing your actions in the way you would normaly, but when you are finished set it to look like how they would want you to leave it. Making it seem like you have conformed to their way, just practice your way in privicy and the enemy wont hunt you any longer.
Breaking out against an oppresive will isn't easy, you must find your reason. Your pillar of strength on which you can rest, so that each exploit will only futher rally you to break free.
If you can show the oppresor that you are stronger than them, but you don't harm them, then they may leave you alone. But if they don't then a stronger course of action is required.

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