Thursday, 27 May 2010

Everything Beyond Today

It's funny but I've never had a great understanding of people. Sure i have friends, some friends are one in a million, but others come and go as they choose. A few people have confused me, when they say one thing but then go and do anther thing, it can really hurt sometimes. And when you live your life trying to be honest and truthful, all that effort seems wasted. But then again why not put that effort in? Someone will notice and they will remember, and much later on when you need them, they'll be there for you as a friend. Of course friendships can sometimes develop into love...but that's for anther post. The worst thing you can do is blow something out of proportion in your mind. As the days go by you grow more and more suspicious. It's all usually untrue though, and when you think someone really hates you, they just didn't know that much about you in the first place. If you find it taxing and exhausting to be honest and truthful, here's some advice. Learn to talk less. There's a reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth. Its amazing what you learn when you just listen and then talk. People tend to ask you more as well, sometimes it's because they feel awkward when you don't speak. Usually its because they value your opinion. When it comes to it you may discover your friends aren't as shallow as they seem. Just frustrated with things in general.

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