Ah, well it looks like the Governments been getting every one's back up over this last month. Lets see; if your working, there is a chance you'll loose you job, or at the very least get a pay cut, if your unemployed, your benefits are being cut, and if your trying to further your own understanding (education), university prices are on the rise! So we're all having a jolly good time here in England. What with the conservatives believing anyone poorer than them is a second class citizen, and that they should always protect the rich and crush the poor.
Here's a question for anyone trying to get into England; whats the attraction? Seriously there is practically nothing here worth living for. You'd think it would be abandoned by now, under the fault of "Poor Governing"!
So what can we do? Politicians (also known as liars, thieves and murders) hold all the power. Protesting makes them a mite uncomfortable, but it shows them our numbers and power. Murder is just dirty play, (but if it works...), but you end up in jail. Standing up for the truth, usually means they can mark you and stop you getting a job. And even becoming their sort is bad because, even if you start for the right reasons their way slowly grows on you and one day you find yourself doing the same.
Now I understand that there is no easy way out, but we've had a government now for a good few hundred years, and they've never got it right yet! You would think all those years of experience to look back on they would learn something, but no! And in any normal situation if something dosent work, we get rid of it! Or at least try to make it work better, but we have seen no development in them. There has been no progress, so why exactly are they still sitting on their golden thrones?
I would disagree with the last paragraph of this post. Sure the present government is in no way perfect, just as no other government in the past has been truly perfect. But at the same time, it is entirely unjustified to say that no progress has been made in the past few hundred years - a democratic system that allows every person, no matter their creed or colour, to vote; the abolition of slavery; the formation of the National Health Service; the devising of countless human rights laws - all great acts performed by our government. Saying this, I think it would be more accurate to say very little progress has been made in the past 30 or 40 years, partly because governments make the same mistakes every time, and partly because each successive government has a knack of undoing any good work the previous government did.