Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Love, Emotions and Life

Why does life never go the way we want it to? In my life that is one of the most relevant questions i have ever heard. Sometimes i feel like complete rubbish because i feel there is no one there.
A feeling of deep sadness or loss sometimes engulfs me. I wonder at life and try to show people how i feel, who i really am; but selfish emotions lead nowhere. So what can we do?
a few hard ideas here. Stop thinking about yourself, damn, if it was just that easy. But really if you spend more time helping others your own wants will die away. Remember in life it's not what we want that matters its what we need.
Remember that there will always be people who love you. You can talk to people you trust if you go about in the right attitude, don't be self centered just explain it as a life consuming problem.
Try to do things that engage your time well and make you feel good inside and out. Its a cliche answer but helping others works. Also you could try changing the world/or just your lifestyle.
Now, lets get to a more direct issue. Is there a someone who makes you feel joyous one day and hopeless the next? Emotions are a two-edged sword; used with skill it can be precise, used without it can be lethal. I won't give you people any advice i wouldn't try myself, but get to know them. Get to know the person you like (or think you like). I know it sounds strange but it will save a lot of time later on. Most times you just like them for their looks, but personality is just as important. You may find out their going in a completely different direction to you and on that you don't want to ruin a good friendship.
Spend time with them, if they want to. Don't create any uncomfortable moments that you both may regret. Show them that you care about them. A lot of people don't make the effort, but it's worth it, after all they're going to want to talk to someone who wants to know.
A good strong relationship takes time. A lifelong marriage was never built overnight so move forward together at a rate you are both comfortable with. And talk about it. Talk about where your relationship is going. Talk about how you are feeling, help each other and understand one another. Conversation can build so many bridges and open so many doors and create so many more cheesy metaphors, talk and share your love show your feelings, support each other and there is one more thing.
God. Creator of all, friend to all. Father and provider. If you put God at the center of all you do you cannot go wrong. Let God help and guide you in daily life and ask him about the major decisions in your life. God wants to know how you are doing and how he can help.

God wants to know you so listen to THIS.

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