Monday, 8 November 2010

Where life takes us

You know what? I'm starting to see the truth. If your life is full of problems and illness and sorrow, then you are not being the best you can be, because someone is getting you down. The devil wants you to suffer, for when you suffer your focus slips away from God. You forget the truth and become self centered, instead of a person involved with others in a serving role. God has your whole life in his hands. Jesus died so our sins, the things we do wrong in life, are gone. They have lost their grip on our lives and we can live in a freedom that was never before experienced. God is almighty, but is also our closest friend if you let him. He wants a deep and personal relationship with you and he wants you to know the Truth.
Your life has a purpose and a plan, that is not only personal to you but it is complete. God knows every aspect of our lives and blesses us so that we can live the best life possible.
So, if you want to see and end to illness and problems in your life, simply ask God into your heart by asking him in your mind. Then say out loud, you problems, you illness in my life be removed in the name of God and never return. And if you have faith, patience, prayer and love your life will be turned around. But being in a relationship with God, also means a relationship with people, so go to a church and get to know them. God wants you to know him. If you have any questions i would recommend going to your local church and talking to people there.
And ask! A person who seeks will find an answer. So don't be afraid to question people, even if it sounds totally impossible or wrong.

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