Friday 4 June 2010

Checking out the news

You know whats good? Staying in touch with family. It's made really easy by things such as skype or msn, especially when parts of your family live overseas due to better weather (well not at the moment). As our culture has advanced so has the speed of communication so we can get up to the minute news from the entire planet. But this speed increase usually means our lives have to speed up as well. And sometimes that's a bad thing indeed. We need peace we need relaxation in order to enjoy life. If we don't whats the difference between us and robots? ( it comes from the Czech word robotiti: "to work as a slave or a drudge") and I'm sure non of us are slaves since it was abolished in 1807 (in England anyway). So enjoy work but also enjoy life. Since work is a larger part of peoples lives, it makes sense not only to enjoy it but also to be around people who you get on with, so they can make your job seem a little more worth while.

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