Wednesday, 4 May 2011


In reference to time how long is too long?

Is it a lifetime? Is it seven years? is it even a second? Of course, it depends entirely upon the subject. Take Love for example in truth you can never spend too long in Love. If both parties are loyal, humble, faithful, Love, it may as well last for ever. Just to completely wrap this example up...
Point 1: 1 John 4:8 God is Love
Point 2: Jeremiah 10:10 God is the eternal King
So...Love is eternal so has no time limit.

However; when we are talking about something smaller, something like contemplation, "how long is too long?". If you experience a major incident, you are going to think about it for a while. It may have shocked you, or helped you, but it will keep popping up in your head for a while. But you can't let it get in the way of the rest of your LIFE! Sure things happen, but that is life itself. And you are alive after all, so put on a brave face and walk outside. Think about the future for once, of what could be. Remember what it felt like as a child and stretch to your goals.

Growing up was only ever created to be a physical progression, it shouldn't make you forget about LIVING YOUR LIFE! So in answer to the question of contemplation; any amount of time that stops you living is too long...remember that.

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