Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Broken world

Every generation is different from the last. Personally i wouldn't have it any other way, people need to express themselves and learn their own ways. But, I do believe some teenagers who are coming to understand the bigger picture may believe they have inherited a broken world.

Now this can sometimes be because the parents don't care. Other times its because the parents want to wait until a certain point before they tell you or show you some things. But teenagers are curious, they - or we rather - are going out into the big wide world and unearthing, so to speak the remnants of the world you [adults] left behind. Almost as if you didn't want us to find out.

Of course this may sound like I'm blaming or even using you as a scapegoat. But the number of times I've heard "You've never seen it!" "I'm sure we showed you that one" or anything else that translates as absolute shock from the parents, it seems to me like something else is going on.

To many parents their child is all that matters.To others they couldn't be less bothered. Harsh but true, cynical; but I'm talking straight. Too many parents have let emotions rule their lives. Forever stuck looking at the problems, rather than looking at The Answer. For those who can or want to understand, the Truth is in a couple of my blogs, somewhere. Just look and open your eyes.

A strange direction or just life?

What strange paths the journey of life takes us on. Yet we say strange in that context rather freely, as if we have had some pre-birth experience of life with which to compare our present life. Is any situation in life strange? Or are we to just expect or in fact, hope for everything that comes our way?

People, humanity has existed for a long time, and in that time it is safe to say that people have gone through all sorts of trouble. But none of them are inconceivable, as even now writers are coming up with some almost impossible stories, which capture the people’s imagination because of their likelihood.

So what can we say about the paths of life? These “strange” directions that our lives can follow? I would say this; there must be a finite number of paths, they may be as numerable as the stars, but I recon at least one human has traversed each path. Not saying that one man has travelled them all, but that in fact each path has had one traveller upon it.

And thus there will always be someone who has experienced what you have. Meaning that advice is always out there in one form or another, and people who care will try to help. How "strange" life is! Or just maybe, what an adventure today is!

Also it is important to realise that the world doesn't revolve around you. If you feel life is unfair and these "strange" twists are taking you into worse and worse situations. Perhaps your the one getting in the way. Maybe these directions are trying to show you the way forward while you're too busy concentrating on your job or looking behind you. Just follow them. But be careful not to follow all of them. Some will try to lead you off into worse places, it takes understanding, selflessness and faith to pick the right strange twists.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Good day my fellows. Yes it has been a while since my last post, but i have no believable reason for that. Anyway, its December and it's almost that wonderful time of the year again...Yes Christmas. A time of family and holidays and presents and snow. But lets not forget while we are having our merry way. It is also a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Now of course he wasn't born exactly on Christmas day, but the important thing is that we remember and thank God for providing our freedom and salvation in him. God loves us all so much, and this time of year is when we can really show him our love and provide some charity to people we meet. Have a great Christmas and mind the snow.

Shall we have a laugh at some unusual codes of the British Highway?

The one that is circled. And your not allowed to remove the snow from your vehical in the street, as it is your snow, and must be deposited somewhere safe. e.g. your garden. How daft!

And it's a Merry Christmas from me, and a Merry Christmas from him. Merry Christmas!

Monday, 13 December 2010

Sidestepping the Point?

Can a man become a better man? Yes if he accepts himself completely. if he understands every defect in himself and how to make it better, like a mechanic knows which part of your car engine need a bit of repair. But how do we come to see these defects?
Like all things on this Earth it takes time (i may talk about why this is later on). Time to understand one's own abilities and areas of expertise. But you cannot simply look at your life from this independent place and vow to change this bit first then that bit next. If you do that you will most certainly ignore or even forget your better qualities or areas where you need work. As you are so set on 'being more patient' or 'being more charitable' you will forget 'offensive words that slip out' or 'showing that one person more love' because (and I knew it sounds unusual) you are being selfish.
You are spending all this time and effort trying to make yourself a better person when actually the people in your life need some of that time and effort too. So what can you do? Accept your bad points. Know your good points. Try to develop all your points together, not individually. While balancing all these delicate things inside you, see what your friends need and try to do bits for them. Understand what makes you angry/upset/not 100% and stop. Do things that make you feel good, that bring understanding to your life. Smile.
See becoming a better person is not something you should learn how to do. It is something you should always understand how to do, but also something that should happen naturally. And if you find yourself struggling to change, then your looking in the wrong direction.

Back to a 'Well Worn' Topic

Ah, well it looks like the Governments been getting every one's back up over this last month. Lets see; if your working, there is a chance you'll loose you job, or at the very least get a pay cut, if your unemployed, your benefits are being cut, and if your trying to further your own understanding (education), university prices are on the rise! So we're all having a jolly good time here in England. What with the conservatives believing anyone poorer than them is a second class citizen, and that they should always protect the rich and crush the poor.
Here's a question for anyone trying to get into England; whats the attraction? Seriously there is practically nothing here worth living for. You'd think it would be abandoned by now, under the fault of "Poor Governing"!

So what can we do? Politicians (also known as liars, thieves and murders) hold all the power. Protesting makes them a mite uncomfortable, but it shows them our numbers and power. Murder is just dirty play, (but if it works...), but you end up in jail. Standing up for the truth, usually means they can mark you and stop you getting a job. And even becoming their sort is bad because, even if you start for the right reasons their way slowly grows on you and one day you find yourself doing the same.

Now I understand that there is no easy way out, but we've had a government now for a good few hundred years, and they've never got it right yet! You would think all those years of experience to look back on they would learn something, but no! And in any normal situation if something dosent work, we get rid of it! Or at least try to make it work better, but we have seen no development in them. There has been no progress, so why exactly are they still sitting on their golden thrones?