Monday, 30 August 2010

Life and more besides

Life. The one thing most of us are sure we are experiencing. We can't remember anything before life and some people aren't sure there is anything after, but here's what I think. Life is just a stepping stone; granted a rather big steeping stone, but still just a point in the journey of our eternal spiritual lives. Some people cling to life because they are afraid of what comes after, they are afraid of death and the unknown. But we will live on, weather we want to or not. And personally it's such a comfort to know that family members and friends are passing to a better plane of existence, a world without pain, with only eternal life and love. A place where they can live beyond the physical. Sound good?

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Getting to know everyone

You want to talk to people? You want to get to know your community? You have to take the first steps. Simple steps in theory but they need a lot of hard work both mental and physical put into them. People wont talk to you if you present a bad image to them, they may feel threatened or just that you don't appreciate them.
So here's how to get started. One key principle to presenting a good image is to be positive. In day to day life be light hearted, don't let small things get you don't. But don't try to appear perfect, if you show to your friends you have problems and you need to talk then they will see you on their level. They will feel more comfortable around you and when people are relaxed they often talk more sense.
Then people will come to you when they have problems and you can help each others. This is a good way to make the tedious parts of life seem easier, helping you to enjoy life to it's full.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Ha! What Government?

There are a few things that have to be said. The 'Government' in England brings children up with the ideas that you should keep promises, that you should tell the truth; that your word is your bond. However, when it comes to the political those "P.I.P's" (People In Power) forget that and keenly back stab and lie to the grand population, oh and each other. "Well politics is a dirty game" someone told me. But are the lives of thousands of people really something to play around with? Is it not time that these spoilt little rich kids, who grew up to run a country, learn the meaning of the words; poor, needy, cold, starving? Is it not time that a group of people who know what they are doing ran the country? OR is the English population just going to sit back and let the biggest injustice we have ever known happen right under our noses? The Lib Dems once promised an end to broken promises, now the poorest people in the country have to pay the most to get England out of this cesspool of debt that the rich people got us into already. Are you going to sit there while those greedy people make the problems worse? OR are you going to stand with the people against the injustice are we going to cry out with a united belief that we want an end to the days of suffering? If so; start the revolution, and help Britain's poorest to live the life they should be living without all this political jargon. The people has the right to speak and actions must be taken.

Friday, 20 August 2010

A small note

Good day readers. I am sorry that the last few posts have been late. I've been on holiday see with no internet at all. So i had to draft them out to type up later. Remember you can e-mail any ideas, complaints or compliments to and i shall try my best to comply. Holidays are good they let us escape from the normality of life for a while. They let us go see parts of the world we couldn't before. Also you have an excuse to wear shorts and spend money.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Love and effect

I was once (a very long time ago) called a Mr. Love Guru (thank you Luke from Wired for War). Which is odd considering i have next to no experience on the topic. It got me thinking how does someone with no experience get opinions in that particular topic? I guess it's just our exposure to daily life. Talking with people gives us knowledge, hope, aspirations and goals. And I set myself a goal to understand the power of love, what did I find...
I found a place where true love knows no limits and has no boundaries. Where every child, every woman and man no matter what age were held in equal with each other. I found a place where you don't have to cry yourself to sleep every night; because the people love you. I found a place of peace. But when you try to force love, when you try to control or ignore love (even unintentionally) it leads to a different place; a place of regret, of self-pity, a place where you waste away your life thinking of what could have been. That place is not somewhere i want to go. So what does it take:

Attention; in each other and their needs
Comfort; around each other and to provide it when needed
Trust; in each other to do the right things
Knowledge; of each other. Without knowing your partner a relationship cannot last
Understanding; of each others goals and what they need from life
Mutal interests; to share passtimes and hobbies helps bonding
Love; in each other

Without any of these things for your partner, or yourself, love cannot flourish. But the hardship is worth it, and in the end it is easier doing than it sounds.

Vengeance and bloodshed

Do nothing in spite. For a decision made in spite is no decision at all. Shedding blood only leads to more bloodshed, and in that sense no blood is good blood. The hardest thing to do is not to plot your revenge (for revenge is worth nothing, there is only more bloodshed) but to simply walk away and forgive the person. Am i crazy? perhaps, but holding up all the vengeance for every 'bad' (in your view) act committed against you, leads to you collapsing under their weight of the thoughts. Ruining your life. Simply tell them you forgive them and take the high road. Do not be coaxed back into fighting, for war solves nothing.

Winning in the long run

Have you ever been persecuted by someone who's will was completely set against your own?
If you want to stop them and make it seem like they have won, then do this. Continue practicing your actions in the way you would normaly, but when you are finished set it to look like how they would want you to leave it. Making it seem like you have conformed to their way, just practice your way in privicy and the enemy wont hunt you any longer.
Breaking out against an oppresive will isn't easy, you must find your reason. Your pillar of strength on which you can rest, so that each exploit will only futher rally you to break free.
If you can show the oppresor that you are stronger than them, but you don't harm them, then they may leave you alone. But if they don't then a stronger course of action is required.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Life and Forever

I do in my day-to-day life talk to a lot of people. And in conversations it is clear to me that a good amount of people I talk to think life is 100% of their existence. They think that there is nothing beyond this life and that no matter what they do there will be no grander plan. But I don’t believe this. I believe that after we die we have an eternal spiritual existence in a world of paradise; that we live on Earth in preparation for our spiritual lives. But not only is it preparation, its education and practice of skills that make us worthy to live in such a paradise. In fact I would say that life is only a facet of the jewel of existence. And even though it makes our existence more valuable, it’s still only a small part. We have to concentrate more on the entirety of the jewel rather than the facet, and that is very hard. But here are some tips.
Think selflessly and show people you have concern for them.
Don’t be afraid to express your emotions.
Be happy and find joy in all that happens.
Don’t worry about anything, for it won’t make your life longer.
Express equality and fairness in all you do.
And love the people around you. We are all humans together and if we can’t show each other love, then what do we amount to?

Monday, 2 August 2010

Those Who Remember

Where would i be if it wasn't for my friends? I wouldn't be doing this that's for sure. I firmly believe that the life I've lived with my friends has made me so much more of a real person. I'm bolder, I've become more random and crazy, and i find life is full of so many good unexpected things. So here's to the guys and girls who have helped me become myself. Lets hope it lasts another eighty years!

One for the team

It seems that after thirty odd posts I'm starting to get tired of the sound of my own thoughts. So if you would like me to blog about a particular issue or idea (no matter how controversial) i will. I have set up a special e-mail address devoted just to this, so send your ideas to amd i'll try my best to comply.
