Sunday, 5 June 2011

Ideas in motion

Why should a Government waste time, money and its respect on 'mind control'? I personally do not believe in such techniques, but there are a very many people who do.
Is it not easier to keep the public under-informed and lied to? Perhaps.
If you want some 'light' reading or just need a laugh i strongly recommend this .

Of course since no tangible facts are quoted and there is no way to finitely prove any of this, it attracts a large audience. Moreover if it did work, why do so many people still hate/dislike the Government? Surely if you can make people do anything, can't you make them love you? And also give you all their money; work non-stop and so on.

In this age of 'equality' and 'health and safety' there would be too many discrepancies to cover up. And if the Government could cover them all do we even know mind control exists? Wouldn't they want us to be the perfect worker class; no rights, no questions, no freedom, only work?

For the sake of 0.05% success rates, it is too much for them to risk. When they can just change the laws and change the taxes and change their minds *Clegg* as much as they want, mind control is a mute point. They already run everything else.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of psychic powers do actually make more of an impact upon the 'sensible' minds of governments than you might expect. Although most of the stuff in the article you've linked to seems, as you've mentioned, rubbish (though, of course, I have as much evidence to support this opinion as they do theirs), it's actually well documented that during the cold war, the US military actively investigated psychic powers as a means of espionage or even for use in combat against the Russians, spending billions of dollars on what would have struck me as largely pointless research. Obviously, their conclusions were that the whole premise was bunk, and if it existed at all was of no reliable use to the military. Just thought this little titbit might be interesting. AC.
