Overpopulation is not a new thing, but at times can be regarded as a very taboo topic. As if thinkers and scientists are presenting racist tinted views, rather than common sense.
The last time [in England at least] that overpopulation was becoming a problem, was late 1800's early 1900's. Unfortunately in 1914 World War 1 broke out, thus [and i hate to use this sort of phrase] reducing the population considerably. Now we hear talk that it would take another good war to reduce the population enough*. But anyone who talks like this is small minded and a fool**.
I was once told [a very long time ago] that England is only a small country. This is true, we also have a moderate population density. But tell me this; in England alone, if the population keeps increasing where will they live? Yes we may go out, but what happens when we reach the shores of this island?
"We go up!" said a friend confidently. " and after that?" said I. "After we can go no higher?". To this he had no answer***, but the point is there. We will run out of space. More people. That means the same amount of resources being divided up with each person getting less. To force people not to have children would be wrong [It would not be a solution either, as no children means no future generations]. But to show them and learn them, that less people means everyone have a better quality of life; now and for generation to come. Is surely the better way.
To slow down that exponential growth of the global population, would mean each generation would eventually benefit more. More space, more resources, more time even in which to grow**** and be themselves.
Speed in this sense is not a benefit. If we could slow down the growth of the Human race with common sense, then surely the planet too would benefit. Less people means less of everything really. Less cars/planes/trains/boats to pollute the planet. Less water being used up in those expensive and unnecessary bathrooms. Less burning of fuels and other such pollutants for power and heat. Less mass production of non-recyclable items.
Yes there is also the argument of less creation, less new ideas, less original thoughts. But in a world of billions new ideas are swept away on tide, only to be forgotten and plagiarised. And perhaps as odd as it sounds, Humanity needs a break from itself once or twice and even a break from new tech. In order to reflect and remember The History, where we came from and how it all happened.
Every child should be cared for, but also made to know and care of their past. That is why there is a lost generation coming upon us. A group of children lost in the dark, who don't even realise there is darkness all around them. Not even searching for The Light.
* Enough for what I have no idea, people seem not to think of amounts.
**I must confess that i thought like that for a time, before I became more understanding
***I must confess my friend was put on the spot
****Grow mentally, physically, spiritually but not in terms of having 8 kids
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