Friday, 21 January 2011


My poetry is going quite well. To date I have written sixteen poems. Most of them are very good [but i would say that] and a few of them are well 'artistic' [but again i would say that if I meant bad] or as it would be called in one of those hip London bars 'modern' or 'sophisticated' but I don't buy any of that post-impressionistic crap.

It's either good or it's not. Together they are known as 'Perspectives' and are being drafted in a poetry book or anthology i me. So look out world for the poetry of nonohino!

As i describe it, poetry is the amalgamation of several unrelated ideas into one creation in a singular moment of true inspiration when the pen touches the paper. And the only thing relating these ideas in an underpinning idea which can relate the entire universe, if the reader is apt enough to understand.


Of course when you haven't written for a while you tend to go off topic as I did in the last post, but that's the game we play.

Life isn't fair. Is it safe to assume we have established this fact in our individual lives? Of course it all depends on your point of view. Sometimes we say life isn't fair because we aren't getting our own way [how selfish of us], but sometimes we are more than right.

Is it fair that murderers and criminals who have made people suffer and have killed are able to walk free because they say their human rights are being compromised? After they have killed and removed human rights from so many people. The world MUST be in a dire state when that happens, when justice has to blindly follow a set of rules, which any person in the street can see are wrong. When these murders have removed their victims human rights should they not have theirs removed also? is it right that serial killers with no regret are given bail after 15-20 years? Should they not be put to death?

Of course some people would say that killing a killer only brings you down to their level. But to kill someone, who would murder over and over again and who sees nothing wrong with it, is that not a service to the Country, for the protection of the masses? I strongly think it is. And to me a bit of rope and a wooden cross frame MUST be a hell of a lot cheaper for the government than keeping them alive.

We are in an economic crisis and that is my idea for saving some money which the Government can use for the people affected.

Necessities of Living

O.K. so it has been a while and I've been busy thinking...or more precisely revising for exams. But that's cool we need exams to test the knowledge that has sunk into our brains to see if we can remember it at pivotal moments [like exams].

There is one point though that nearly everyone seems to come back to. "If we are going to get jobs where we can always check out our writings or statements, why can we not use revision notes in the exams? We will never have to undergo them again, so why the pain?" And I can completely understand where you are coming from, but if that happened the people who don't try very hard would be able to get higher results and, as bad as it sounds, that would hit employers very hard in the future.

Think about it, if they can't be bothered remembering a few facts now and undergoing a little pain, then in the future where the choice is clearer they just wouldn't bother.

Now i know i sound very pessimistic and harsh in most respects but for a society and economy to function EVERYONE has to pull their weight. if we don't then the worlds stagnates and global development and well as social and personal falls. Meaning that we end up with a planet full of wasters who try to live life with as much pleasure and as little pain as possible. But if you undergo, the necessary pains of life at the right times, in the end it will all be worth while.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Songs of the forest of men

I feel inclined to inform you of a recent development in my life. I have become a poet. Yet who can say if it is just a passing phase, or something i am committed to.

I find myself writing poems about things i have not quite experienced, but I know they are there. There was once a time when i was not inclined to poetry, though we did tend to do a lot of it is school. I think that perhaps my horizons have grown and i am expressing myself in different ways. However it could just be a deep seated yearning to return to those days when life felt the same, but now i look back it was different.

Your potential is unlimited, if you wish to apply yourself. Success is not how much money you have from a job, but how happy your job makes you, and then how that happiness makes other peoples lives better

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Another One...Again?

Welcome to a new year, and what do we have to show for it? What developments have been made since this time last year? There have been a few good things, there have been a few bad things, but overall it's been a great year. So the question is "what are we going to do differently this year?" Hopefully it will be something life-building, like spend more time with family or just becoming a friendlier person. I however am going to concentrate on keeping up with old friends and strengthen the friendships I have already. I would hope that they would also be willing to spend more time with a crazed madman like me...even for a little while.

So here is to the new year and what to expect from it.
[Let's try not to break the Country again]