Friday, 30 July 2010

Living After

I am not worried about the future. For i know, wherever i will be, that it is the place i am meant to be at. Yes I've had friendships in the past. Some have continued while others have faded away, but i know that we will all meet again someday under better circumstances. And we will remember that old bond and our lives will change as we discover more than we could ever dream about. Friendship, one of the powers that can change the world.

Thursday, 29 July 2010


When it comes to the heart of the matter, what is duty? It is a moral commitment to someone or something. Parents have a moral commitment to their children. And i do believe that this older generation should have a duty to ensure that the next generation knows exactly what it is doing in the world. So i put this to you (the public). Do you have the wisdom/the understanding to show the children? Do you also have the ability? Then it is your responsibility to show them how to live life for the best. How to get through still breathing, and how to enjoy every second of it.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


There is one type of fear which is above all the others; in terms of effects, severity and reactions (feelings/emotions).
It could be described as the fear of the unknown, but that only covers part of it. It is the fear of something evil that you know is there (following you/wanting you) for its own purpose, but when you check there is nothing. It is fear that makes you jump at every shadow and run wild in blind panic. Fear of this type can destroy people and minds. It can ruin plans and cause breaking of family and friends bonds. For you will always try to keep one eye on the shadows and never two eyes on problems before you. This fear has been used in many ways and the spell is always broken when the evil reveals itself. But there is another way. To think selfishly will amplify the effects of the fear, only making the situation worse. To overcome the fear you must think selflessly. Think of others who could be in danger and plan and move to help them. Selflessness twinned with faith that a brighter dawn is coming is surely a step toward victory.

Thursday, 22 July 2010


You know what is unusual about blogging? It has to be done everyday. It has to be continuous. Now for simple things like going to work, or the toilet even; repetition is easy. But blogging, it puzzles me. I sit down and try to think about things to blog about, dynamic points of view, interesting thoughts; but usually i end up with jargon. So where to begin? I can safely say I'm always in the wrong place for blogging when I'm hit (or slapped even) by inspiration. There isn't a computer, i don't have paper, and so on. So I try to remember what i was thinking, but I get distracted really easily so I forget. And that's OK it happens to us all, and i learn and start to carry around paper and a pen. Original thoughts will always be yours, but if you have the signed and dated paper to prove it your in a much more confident place. So write down your ideas, record your thoughts and opinions and make sure no one can take them away. For we are all individual people and inspiration always takes us somewhere.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The Great Journey

I long ago came to terms with this: I am on the Great Journey of life. And as long as I try my best as what tasks are put before me, I shall travel the path I was meant to travel. Even if it takes me through times of darkness; for in the darkness the light shines brighter and holds more value. I will be unshakable in where I am standing, for this is life. And life is to be lived. And to live life requires making leaps of faith in directions that may not have been considered. But leap and see the good effects it has on people.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Life and What We Do

It seems to me that as we get older we unintentionally make life more complicated for ourselves. We make choices and decisions which can lead to worse situations. And its only when we look back over the past that we realise how stupid we were and how bad those choices were. It really is hard, overcoming your own failings, but it is an essential part of life. So we can learn. And as i keep saying or hinting at learning is very important in this world, without learning we cannot appreciate things, we cannot show compassion and we can't love. But bad decisions in love are sometimes what makes life complicated. I believe my past has helped make me the man i am today; and i hope that's true for everyone. That somewhere in their past decisions have led to an increase in morality and understanding. But to finish on a happy note. Reach out to the people around you. Talk to your community, for you may learn something new, and it may just be what you needed to hear.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Just Typical

A friend of mine recently got a letter from his bank saying basically that he hadn't used his account in 15 years and if he didn't prove that he knew about the money in his account; it would be taken off him. Now that is just typical of the government. It was his money in the first place, but now they tell him (they don't ask) they tell him, they are taking his money and using it for 'good causes'. Now considering the state of the 'economic climate' the only 'good causes' i can think they are talking about is that huge debt the country is in. And who's fault was the debt in the first place, eh? The banks. So they rob us, tell us what they will do with our money and all so they can have billions of pounds in their accounts.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Nostalgic Moments

Don't we just love to look back over our lives? In a society where thousands of pictures are taken every hour, where home movies are on the rise; it's really easy to look back over good times in our lives. And it's important to remember that family love, and the friendships we experience each day. What isn't alright, is dreaming away years of your life where you are in the past, in those 'glorious' days. When life seemed so easy, and nothing went wrong. For that won't make you new friends and it won't develop your life. However, going out there, in the streets, in your local town and spending time with friends/family will. You will make new acquaintances and you will develop in new exciting areas as a person. It will take time, and for sure it will be a difficult task on occasion. But at the end of the hard times, you can look around and see a brighter world, and life will be alive and worth living. You will have gained new skills with people. But it takes those first steps, and in some areas they will be the hardest steps of your life. At times it may seem like a fruitless venture, but if you keep up the determination, the belief, and the faith that you can will. And you will be happier for the difference.

Monday, 12 July 2010

The Right Way

*Sorry this post is so late by the way. I'm finding it hard to write down ideas at the moment*

Have you ever mistook something for something else? A friendship for love, a statement for an insult; the list goes on. I have. And it can come as quite a shock when you realise your view of the situation is wrong. It takes time for things to heal over, because as people we want to take a step back and think about the relations with the people involved. The only way to sort a situation out is to sit down and speak. Speak the truth, but also search for a resolution where either; both parties come away unharmed and again friends, or a situation where both parties gain knowledge and understanding as well as the other things stated above.

The latter is the hardest. For to learn requires being taught, and unless you can cast away all emotion and learn alone it is normally the other person who must teach you. And of course you must teach them. And here arises a very diverse problem, 'how can you learn from the person who you are confronting?' You must think like them. And i stress here that you only think, you do not act, you do not become them; you merely think like them. So you can understand the situation they are in with you. Thus you can together work toward a resolution. It may not be pretty and it will take time. But showing compassion, by understand them can gain you a friend along the way.

Friday, 9 July 2010

More Than

The fact of the matter is if we don't learn to live and work together, be friends, stay in touch and learn to teach and support each other; we can never move on in life. And Life IS to be enjoyed. Don't wake up with a frown and think how crappy the day will be, because 9 times out of 10 it will be if you have a negative attitude. Instead realise just what you could do today. Explore a range of possibilities and try something different every now and again.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Forever Hold Your Peace

Life can sometimes feel like fishing. If you don't concentrate really hard on particular object, you get distracted and miss the catch. But life was created for us to step back and look at a slightly bigger picture. Sure we'll never be able to look at the whole picture, but all we have to do is realise it's there. Then we can see life as, well as life. But you know what, waking up each day to another day of life gets me all excited about living. And i wouldn't want to feel any different. Because even if i do miss the catch, I'm going to look ahead and plan and prepare for the next.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Go Where the Sun Dies

There is a world out there. And sometimes, people get trapped in their 'busy schedules' which means they forget some of the most important things. I don't just mean other countries, although it is important to help those people. I'm talking about your family, your friends. The people who sacrifice so much out of view just so you can live your life the way you want to. Don't they deserve some reward, some little token of your respect? Then spend more time with them. Help them, do things about the house for them. Show them you care, and love can conquer all.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Sharing that Burden

Selflessness. A very hard thing to be all your life. To think only of how other are doing. But in a society where you are the only selfless individual, well it's suicide. I f you and only you spend all day thinking about others, then your forgetting someone. Yourself. In a society like that it can't work. But if everyone is selfless, if everyone thinks only about others and how they are doing, then you have multiple people watching your back. You have a grand sense of security, that can't be taken away. That is a world i aspire to live in. That is my perfect society. Where peoples troubles are shared, and solutions found. Where you don't have to be suspicious because you know the people are with you. Isn't it amazing?

Friday, 2 July 2010

That's Just Life

Why is it, that when you have no time to spare it seems like you have a million things to do, and when you have all the time in the world you have nothing to do? Thats always the way it's seemed for me. I guess as humans, as we become busier we think we have to do more things, just so we dont stop being busy. Until of course we have a breakdown. The best thing really is to space yourself. Focus on one task at a time rather than juggling them and you'll finish them quicker. However when it comes to certain work related issues, find a friend who can assist you, a friend who will stop you stressing out and be able to say when you need a break. Do these things and life will seem easier, you wil feel more free.