Friday 19 November 2010

A Question

"Would you ever want to just observe life?"

Great question, thank you anonymous e-mailer! A long, long time ago I would have said yes. But perhaps not anymore. And perhaps not in the sense you mean. I would love to be an invisible observer of life. Let me set this straight, i would not be invisible as in not being able to be seen. But as to spend many decades walking the Earth observing people. I would grow old very slowly and my life would be the study, observation and thus learning of humans. Of course this would involve me not having many friendships or relations, i would in fact become a 'lone-wolf' type of person and now i could not do that. I enjoy may friendships and life without would loose, at least in part, some meaning.
To step outside of time like the Big Man(God) can and indeed does is amazing. So perhaps for one day i would love to see life unfolding across the globe, and that people are in fact more compassionate than we realise.


  1. A follow-up question to this then - do you think it better to observe life, or to live it? In essence, is it better to be an observer on the periphery, or a participant with a purely subjective viewpoint of life? And which of these criteria does God fill (or does He come into a third category? (which I'd bope He does))? Something to think about.

  2. Sorry it should say 'I'd HOPE He does'.
